Friday, March 27, 2009

feeling MUCH Better

I really didn't believe I could basically force myself into a good mood...but I did. Rock on! Kicked the hormones for now. Went and had a really good work out last night and no one really made me feel like a moron for the day before of quitting and the whole crying and hiding fiasco. Did 30 minutes on the elliptical and another 20 or 30 on the treadmill...I forget...another 500 calories or so burned, so rock on...

I can NOT wait till it warms up and I can #1 get back to working out in my pool too...I'm such a water baby and #2 get to mow my damn acre of weeds but still they need it...specially after all this rain this week and maybe #3 we can get into a routine of maybe working our or playing sports with friends...been forever since we played tennis or hoops or anything...volleyball net on the pool too so that's fun!

Still in limbo land on life right now but trying my best not to focus on that. My weekend either be great or it can be hellish...we'll see which way it turns out. Wish I could will myself to be fine if things go south in Limbo-land but we'll just have to see and play it by ear. If things stay positive we may get out of town Sat night and meet some people...who knows...maybe they'll come to us...We do Big Event in the morning with the Nikky and we have a strategy meeting tonight at 5 to make sure we're all on the same page for that cos it may prove to be hectic. Who knows...first time doing this thing...trying to give of myself more...working on that side of Karma for a change.

OK...think that's it for now...I'll probably be quiet till Monday or Tuesday on here...who knows how this weekend will go...I may need to vent. We'll see. Thanks for reading if you're reading. It does mean a lot to me that someone out there other than just my wonderful Hubby Mikey is reading this so just let me know if you're reading and supporting me or if you are a horrible person that just doesn't care...ok...don't let me know that. I may already think it already and I don't want those thoughts confirmed. LMAO :) See...much better mood today. :) MUAH!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rough Patch I think I've emerged from a rough patch I've had the last couple of days. Hormones are on some kind of overload and I feel like I'm in limbo...but least I quit crying. :) Turned my frown upside down and stickin to it...we hope. lol last night was bad...bad bad bad...hormones overtook me and I could not right myself...the ship sank bad. I did 15 minutes on the elliptical and 15 on the treadmill and I was wiped. We took a break before the real work out and I did the first two exercises...and quit...just up and quit. I let Mike finish his but I couldn't. I sat there like a lump for a bit then I thought the sauna would help. Sweated my ass off for 5 minutes and didn't make any progress. Went and stood outside the front door just as the storm really blew in. I couldn't run from my internal storm however much I tried. I cried and watched the rain. I couldn't seem to hide from people. They kept trying to make sure I was OK. I know they are sweet but I needed to be left alone. So then I hid out in the locker room bathroom till Mike texted me that he was done. It was a BAD night hormonally for me. No real reason at all to cry...nothing...but I couldn't stop which pissed me off and made me cry more. Got home and finally was able to calm myself down...but woke up this morning mad at myself and mad at the world. Finally round lunch I snapped and decided that I was going to get back in control. And I think I am. Who knows.

But for this moment...I'm good. Not ecstatic or happy but I'm good. I'm going to try and push myself to get through our work out matter what. Don't even think I'm getting on the scale tonight...don't need that added stress.

Here's to hoping Wade doesn't ask too many questions bout yesterday and takes at face value that I'm fine. Not 100%...can't talk bout it out loud...or tears may come back. Not 100%...but I'm good...and for now I'm fine with that. :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lost count of's a longer Journey than days anyway! it's been close to a week since I wrote on here. Last week was a tough one for me workout wise. Tuesday was emotional to no end...thanks to wonderful hormones and Wednesday was just plain painful! But yay! I am healed, I say! By Thursday afternoon I was in the pool helping Mikey scrub it down so I can get some use out of it some day soon. So all better now! And I even used my mother-in-law's treadmill over the weekend even though it was loud and annoying and the treadmill was loud too. hehehehehe Always the comedian, that's me.

So we have been weighing ourselves every morning at the house all natural with no added weight. I think first thing in the morning is the extra food weight and such. So I had been watching my weight come down. It was exciting. But Monday when I got to the gym and weighed myself before shoes...I was so happy...down 5 pounds since last Monday! Even if that scale weighs me a few pounds heavier than at is later in the day and I do have clothes that could account for the 2-3 pound difference. Then I went to the doc office this morning...and they only show 6 pounds for the month...hmmm...but hey...I'm down 15 pounds in the past two months. Wooohooo! Time for new clothes shopping! My pants are starting to become a bit loose!

Last night we did our normal 45 minutes or so of good cardio. I was proud of Mikey...he's been miserable with allergies and I didn't think he'd be able to play through given the mood and state of mind he's been in all day yesterday. But it seems like as long as he's exercising, eating or sleeping...he's fine. Soon as we quit any of those 3 things...he's miserable again. He's trying a new drug today and so far it seems better. But I burned bout 500 calories on cardio for that portion of the work out and Wade had some interesting new machines for us to I made it thru with only a few slight distractions. :) But I did find out that Wade missed the Sassy me that was missing on Tuesday when my hormones acted all flaky. I knew he would. I know I can be a difficult whiney bitch when I work out...OK...probably more often than that...but my playful banter and arguing is greatly missed when it's not there. He said he was seriously scared of me cos evidently only Bitch was shining through. LMSAO!

So we are thinking now that we will do one more month with Wade...and then go to just a gym membership. It's really been helpful lately and I think I still need the structure of a personal trainer. We're gonna try an experiment and go away from the supplements that we were buying from the doctor's office. I just can't say for sure they were worth ALL the money that we were paying for all our other vitamins on top of that...I think we already had a good handle on what vitamins we needed. I think the only one I may miss is the shot one...but not sure I'll even miss that. We'll play it by ear and see...cos that's $300 for 2 months worth of shots for the both of us really...and that's a lot when we have the personal trainer and I think we worked it out and it cost like 30 or 40 bucks per pound I lost...with everything we were paying for and that's factoring Mikey's health benefits in that as well. The Dietician was outrageous on cost for what she was doing for us since we knew what to do...we just needed more supervision...and once a month...sorry...not enough supervision for $100-150 a month...and then $100 worth of supplements a month for the 2 of us and then the shots on top of that...a costly experiment that worked but didn't work. lol I can do this with just the gym and trainer damnit...and our regular regimine of vitamins.

So things are looking good. Down 15 pounds since the end of January...should have seen what my starting weight was in late December...maybe I'll call and see if they can tell me that over the phone...and to think that includes the trip to Vegas and everything...I'm on a good stretch...we'll see what other good comes my way... :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 18...pain made me take a break

OK...I've dealt with some pain and soreness in the last couple of weeks...I know I have...but this morning took the cake...and last night too. We got to the gym early again to do some cardio before our work out. I was still sore from the dropping it like it was hot "Deep Clean & Jerk's" outside Monday night with Wade...but I wasn't that bad I got on the elliptical for a good 30 minutes. My first time lasting that long and I was doing interval training. It wasn't that bad. Then we did a bit of a cool down on the treadmills cos the bikes were busy. My mood was doing fine and I was pushing thru just fine...Then Wade came up to get us and I don't know what happened to my mood. Something snapped for absolutely no freaking reason and I was in a pissy mood. A crying mood even. I had to take a break a couple of exercises in to go in the bathroom and have a good cry. And I've still yet to figure out why. Stupid hormones.

So I made it thru the workout without my usual cheery banter. I mean I tried but it wasn't there. I did everything he asked, no complaints, no problem. It totally sucked. And I sucked it up and muscled thru every exercise from squats to stepping, to arm work to lower ab pulls...It didn't even feel like it was work half the time. I was in a weird numb place. So we drive home...I'm still emotional and a bit cry-y.

We get out of the car and thighs/quads are screaming at me. Before the work out they were merely hollering from across the they are in my ear like a drill sergeant. NOT cool. I try to rest for the evening...Mikey graciously took over some chores that needed doing. And I went to bed early. Hydrocodone and advil really aren't touching the why bother wasting them. I woke up this morning and could barely move. UGH! Rolling over in bed was pure torture. Walking is questionable. Sitting and standing...OMG the worst. So wrote in to work and took the half day we had off and then called to try to get a message to Wade that he killed me and we wouldn't be coming in today. He obviously didn't get that message so I'm gonna quit trying that route. Need to get the kid's cell phone digits. My mood has not picked up much and all I'm doing today is trying to sleep and eat a ton of protein to help things heal. Had some yummy Tuna fish salad with mustard instead of mayo for "brunch" and we just finished Spinach cooked with Turkey bacon, onion and egg...yummy! I think I'm gonna crash for a while again.

I really need to not have these horrible mood swings. It's not cool and totally unexplainable. :((

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 17ish this weekend totally rocked...except for all the cold rain and driving in Houston traffic in said rain. So Friday night was totally awesome...WWE Smack Down! I was so ticked that my camera wasn't fully charged and I missed out on some great shots cos of it. I know how to better prepare myself for next time they come to town. We had totally awesome seats in the second row and it was worth every freaking penny! So exciting and OMG Jeff was so much better in person...I was screaming my fool head off like the total fan girl that I am.

Saturday was waking up early and driving to Houston for family photos, which surprisingly was fun. My folks, even though they saw us last weekend...were pretty impressed in the changes they have seen in us. My dad said I was looking pretty spry...not sure what that means. But we took professional pictures for the first time since our wedding and I think they turned out pretty darn good. We then went and got lunch at Pei Wei and we were the only ones that took half our food to go. That felt good to do around them as well. So we got to totally surprise them on a few levels.

There were a lot of things I noticed on Saturday. My thighs are getting a lot firmer, I'm noticing my waist making changes and my endurance has increased a lot. I'm still not sure I'm even getting enough calories to properly lose the weight I wanna lose with the working out that I'm doing. I'm just not anymore hungry than what I'm eating...if that makes sense. It's like I've shrunk the stomach and I eat so regularly, these tiny little snacks here and there...that I never get ravishing hungry...except on a few few occasions.

We had our Cheat Day on Sunday to recover from our partying the night before. I don't even think the McDonald's around here have them but I was shocked to find that in Houston they have what I'm referring to as the low-carb Big Mac...they have Big Mac Snack Wraps....Holy Crapper-doodles! That was YUMMY. And I had a Big and Tasty Audrey-style and we split the fries like usual. Then when we got back into town, we had some Rosa's Tortilla Factory...I only had 2 chicken soft tacos and 2 tortillas with butter and a little honey. So for a Cheat Day...I could have been MUCH worse...I had other things in mind but seriously...I just can't do those things anymore.

So working out this week...we're doing Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to allow our "friend" Wade a long weekend for Spring Break...aren't we nice? So I tried to be nicer yesterday...go along with everything Wade said without fighting him too much...Mike said I could still have room for improvement there...but I did do everything he said to do...and I didn't argue...much. When he made us go outside and do sideways horses in the parking lot...that's when I told him that I was going to gift him with me doing stairs...but now that we're doing horses...this was my stairs for him. They were easier. But Mike and I were doing them in unison and facing each other...I just feel like I'm trying to play basketball with Mikey and he's guarding me so mean made me crack up. Then our last exercise for the night was graduated sprints...the first time I had 3 speeds like he wanted us to have...after that...I only had's not the running that gets to's the stopping...on concrete...I have the fear of falling face forward into the pavement...not a cool I do what I can, push myself as far as I feel comfy and then move on. I think Wade is cool with that. I'm actually convinced he can't stand me and that I annoy him too much...but I'm trying to get more chipper bout my teasing so he knows it's just

So tonight is another night and even though I'm sore from the deep clean jerks we were doing...basically 15 total "drop it like it's hot" moves...I'll try to be on good behavior. Let's see what he's got in store for

Friday, March 13, 2009

Day 12ish's Friday. We survived our 3 nights in a row of working out. I think I broke Wade...I think he's lost his drive to push me sometimes. I'm gonna surprise him on Monday.

So last night...we did lower body work out with lots of arm stuff thrown in. I don't know why he bothers telling us we're doing arms or legs cos we always end up doing both with abs thrown in as well. But last night wasn't bad. Couldn't go out cos it was drizzly and cold. Dang! LOL

But things are going good...we're even talking bout using the gym at the hotel in Houston this weekend. That is definitely a first for me. :) The pool too if it's heated in the indoor pool there. We'll see.

So I'm stoked for tonight...2nd row floor seats...hoping to get some GREAT pics and some sweat and no blood on me from the ring...Jeff and HHH....yummy! Can't wait! I've been trying to win front row seats but alas it's not like I'm a winner in anything lately. lol...always runner up. But I'll survived....somehow...2nd row ain't shabby. This weekend will be busy and fun hopefully! Can't wait!

MUAH to all!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 11ish

OK...worked out the last two nights...Tuesday night Wade made us go outside...and play with balls and run horses in the parking lot. I was not amused. I played thru but grumbled of course the whole way thru. Wade truly isn't a bad guy...just has crazy ideas of what he thinks I think can be fun. lol I've really tried hard to explain to him that I'm not happy unless I'm complaining and I guess that's why he makes us do these things. Mike loved the work out outside. His positive attitude of reliving high school in an older and more out of shape body was amusing. He had fun and I have to say the change of venue was nice...just don't like running horses sideways...that's all.

So Tuesday went a lot faster than I thought, maybe it was cos we were outside. There was a nice breeze and it was actually pleasant.

Wednesday we got to the gym bout an hour early again and worked out on the machines upstairs. Tuesday I was only able to get up to 10 minutes on the elliptical. Wednesday evening I forced myself to do 15 and then did a bike for 30 minutes and then went back to the elliptical for another 10. I feel that's progress. It's dangerous to watch Comedy Central and be working out...I swear. Stephen Lynch and Reno 911 were killing me. Too funny.

So we finally go down and work with Wade. It's too cold to go outside so we're inside all day. Upper body work outs are getting better for me. But then he tried to make me do stairs. Homey don't play stairs. Mikey went and did the stairs. I argued him down to letting me do a fast 20 on one step. Hell, I'm probably doing more of a work out and less fear of tumbling down the stairs to a broken bone or death cos of leg exhaustion. Plus running the whole thing of stairs will kill my shin splints. I am totally convinced of that and NO ONE can change my mind. I've threatened Wade bodily harm if he makes me go thru shin splint pain. I told him to check with Mike if he didn't think I could punch. It got thru to his senses and he let me do 4 sets of fast 20's on the one step. :) Score for me!

We did the fly machine for the first time and Wade decided to be cute and crank it up to 50 pounds when I wasn't looking...punk. Guess that was pay back for me talking him out of the stairs. But I can do ti and that felt really good. Then...we went to another stationary contraption...I couldn't figure out what to do on it...oh...evidently upper body workouts include working out the lower you lay on this thing, brace your arms, ass hanging half gotta bring your knees up in 4 sets of 10...grumble grumble...I seriously laughed at him but said...I'll try anything once, except stairs, twice if it doesn't suck too bad...I managed all 4 sets...and we all know I carry a LOT of my weight in that lower region. Grumble Grumble...not doing that one when I'm cramping...cos Wade will get punched...and the assault charges may, or may not, be worth it at that point. :)

Again...the work out went by faster than I thought it would. They times. He makes it easy with chitchatting and making me lose count and such. But Mikey's been a great motivator as well for me so I'm glad he's there trudging along side of me!

On more exciting notes...I get to go see SmackDown tomorrow ngiht at Reed! I'm being such a freaking fan girl...gonna wear all my Jeff stuff and take my bear in case I get an autograph opportunity...Mikey said I can still get him to sign my boobs...but can't show that off as much...although his hands on me...hmmmmmm...ok...going to go back to work now before I get too

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 9ish

OK...we start our 3 day trek of working out each night. Fun times. We walked to NorthGate for lunch cos Nikky needed to get out and walk out some stress...I think I did good. Had a slice of pizza from Antonio's...Spinach, Artichoke and cheese, thin thin crust. Ate it slowly and it totally stuffed me.

Then this afternoon I had to run a binder to a professor who's across that was another good walk for me. Felt great...just a bit warm out there today. But knew the next couple of days wouldn't be great for walking cross campus so figured today was better than later. Haven't been in that building since I worked there as an undergrad in Computer Science Dept. Ugh...not great memories. And I got to pass by my old job and the Chemistry building...felt good to stride by there and no even glance around for people I would know.

So tonight we're working on lower body. Here's to hoping I can stay in a positive mood during that and not fight Wade on everything. I hope he knows my fighting is half in jest...half real. so far he's not showing that his skin is too thin so think we are good. :)

Gotta stop by the eye doc to pic up an extra contact but then it's straight to the gym so we can get warmed up on some good cardio...I'm gonna go for a goal of 15 minutes on the far 7 has been the max at one time...gotta slowly build up on those before they totally kick my ass.

Guess that's it for the report for now. Should write again tomorrow! MUAH!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 8ish we were out of town this weekend. Went to Austin for a geek out at a comic convention for me...and then visited with my family in Seguin and Kingsbury. Family always means food so it's no surprise that this morning I was up 0.7 pounds on wii fit. No biggie...there was Dragon Place involved and I thought we did really well, that involves rice and fried heavenly eggrolls. We were able to bring a lot of it home and then we shared it with Nikky today for lunch. So again, we didn't gorge ourselves on it. I'm proud of us.

Sunday morning we even went walking in the pasture behind my folks' house. It wasn't a big walk but a walk none-the-less. It was a incline at least in 1 direction. got us sweating and breathin hard...that's all that matters.

We were supposed to work out tonight but got a call from our "friend" Wade at lunch today and he wanted to reschedule for tomorrow night instead. So now...We get to work out Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights...back to back...JOY! I better not be too sore to enjoy my weekend. lol I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm gonna try to get some DDR done tonight. Might have to crank on the ac for that. Maybe we'll just go for a walk on our road...who knows. Just gotta be moving.

Eat less, move more...that's my new motto! Oh btw...really wasn't even sore at all this weekend. Either Wade didn't work us too hard on Friday or my body is getting wait till we do legs again...I'll be whining again I'm sure.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 5 the pain has really set in today. Fun times. Luckily I had some hydrocodone on's taking some of the edge off. Just a little...but makes life bearable again. Got on my Wii Fit this morning. had been 14 days since my last weigh in on there. Course it gave me a guilt trip and I talked being able to do that. I had lost 4 pounds (2 weeks, 4 pounds...) since my last weigh in. It's a loss...but thought it'd be more. Not sure why I thought that. We haven't been doing the best on the diet...but we're getting there. Yesterday we had some Mexican food to help celebrate a friend's birthday and I really didn't eat that much there...just had some chips and cheesy beef, a nacho, a soft taco, and a tortilla w/ cheesy beef....sounds like a lot but really wasn't...I swear...but last night I really wasn't hungry so I only had a couple of pieces of sushi and some pot stickers...and some fruit.

We went shopping last night and I'm excited to try a few things we got. I already have tried my freeze-dried's expensive but a pretty nummy snack...not filling at all...least not in my 1/8 oz servings of it but nummy none the less. I've got Blueberry and flax seed granola as a snack for home which we didn't bring to work today as snacks but we got some new "chips." Let's see...Spinach and artichoke chips, Onion chips, olive chips, and multi grain. Some of those...we got for Mikey. I'll give em a shot but not too optimistic bout onion chips. We'll see. Couldn't find my very favorite Sweet Potato chips. That ticked me off. But I'm always looking for lower carb chip replacements. I just seem to love to munch.

I'm really happy that I'm trying new and healthier foods. Our diet has become sort of predictable in the last few years. It's been yummy obviously or I would have made a change, but just boring. I need to mix it up a bit. tonight we go see our "friend" Wade and see what he has us do for our upper body. I'm hoping it means some more machines. I like working on machines for some reason. I was really disappointed that I didn't get to do leg presses on Wed night...and told him so. Hopefully we'll get there good and early so I can work some of the kinks out of my thighs...whatever the muscle is right above the knee to the hip...grrr...that one HURTS. When I sit down or stand up I feel like it's ripping. I'm sure that's only in my mind. lol...least I hope.

OK...that's it for now. I'm gonna try to get some walking done this weekend too. Going to Austin for a comic convention and then to my folks for the remainder of the weekend. We'll see what we get done.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 4 or so...

Well last night we had our second workout with our new friend Wade...I call him a friend cos he hasn't killed us yet. I'm doing my best to still have a very positive attitude...I found that slipping last night at the end of the work out. But we'll get to that. last night was legs or lower body work out...we did some different squats and such...a little stair action...planks...and some other ab work...Planks and me...hmmm...not the easiest...but I stuck it out...and on the last one...yeah getting up was an right thigh gave out on me...recovered for a few seconds and with a lift from Mikey I was good. We had also gotten there 30 minutes early and after checking in and a trip out to the car to get things that I had forgotten such as towels...then we went and warmed up on the equipment upstairs...I tried a stairmaster...ok...I've done these before...but luck would have it that the one I got on was acting up...damn the luck, I wasn't meant to do StairMaster last I got on a sitting bike and pedaled my heart out till Wade was ready for us...did over 3 and a half miles in 22 minutes...I didn't feel that was too shabby. Mike experimented with a bunch of different machines.

OK, so to the part where I crapped out. Floor work for abs...after a hard work out where I'm already winded and tired...have me lay on my back and do sets of ab crunches. Granted, I've never been able to ever do a crunch properly. Either I've never been shown or my belly gets in the way...I don't know. My face got so over heated from the blood rush and I guess lack of good breathing practices when I'm flat on my back struggling to keep my legs up while doing crunches. I wanna do ab work. Don't get me wrong. It's my hardest area that I know I need work on...but can we start on the machines doing stuff? Floor work never does me good. I had to sit up for a bit and take a breather. Wade offered alternatives to the crunches. Did I wanna do scissor kicks? use the big ball? What'd I wanna do? Um's what I wanted to do. I took a moment and said to myself no...I have to do something. So after my face cooled off...I did scissor kicks. Then Wade was nice and had us stretch to end out the session.

He said we'd hurt today. And I trusted him on that. I thought it'd be bad...we did a few different types of squats and I was feeling the burn last night. Either it hasn't set in yet, or I do more working out when I go nuts dancing at the club and drop it like it's hot like a fool who does NOT know when to quit. I've been in much more pain following those weekends...LMAO...I'm wondering if I should tell him that or not. Don't want him to take it as a challenge. But yes I I'm, not dying. I was even brave enough to wear my heels again today. I felt for sure it would be a mistake but I's cool.

So after the work out last night, we went and hung with Nikky Celebrating her last night of her 30s in style. She even fed us...even though it was I did good. Should have stopped at one piece...but only had 2 and a couple little pieces of cheese bread. One piece really filled me up...but I was compelled to eat the second piece by outside forces. lol And today for lunch we had Mexican food. But I only had a few chips, with cheesy beef, a soft taco, and a nacho really. that's it, and I had a tortilla. For me, that's amazing. I'm just NOT hungry. Rock on! And I was starving before we left...So it's all good. I'll knock out a snack from my daily routine today to make up for the extra carbs and calories. May even do some Dance Dance tonight if we get home at a decent time. We have to get groceries and run a couple of other errands tonight.

OK...I'll have more later! thanks for reading and I always appreciate support. MUAH!


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 2...

Well, I call this Day 2...we've been trying to lose weight for a while now...2 years ago, I lost 60 pounds in 6 months...then plateaued...and gained some of it back. Now, we started again at the first of the year and have tried to work on it seriously. We're 30, we're not getting any younger, and every extra pound is a mark against my fertility and it's killin me. So...I say this is Day 2 cos we started with a Personal Trainer, Wade, last night at a local gym.

We started with Wade even though I'm deathly afraid of gyms because of a fitness challenge they were advertising on the radio back in January. I entered to win a chance for free 3 months of training. Well I was not selected for that, but since I was a finalist I was given a great chance to get some training, along with my hubby Mikey for a reduced rate. And we are going for it. We have to do something drastic cos diet alone does not seem to be working.

So here I am...we started last night and in a mindset for needing more accountability, I'm blogging my progress. No one may read it...but hey...accountability to myself hasn't been enough. I'll put it on the blogosphere to hold me accountable.

OK...where was I...ok...we worked on upper body last night...and it wasn't all that arms were kind of noodley last night but today the arms are pretty OK...chest muscles got a work out that's for sure. They are feeling the pain. I don't even know the names of everything we were doing...I just know we were focused on arms and chest...and I didn't die.

Tomorrow night we start on the lower body...that's where I may die afterwards...I've heard of these things they do called lunges and squats...and stairs...I can feel the shin splints

We walked today for lunch, least to go get lunch and back. It was Subway and it was on the healthy menu...hey it worked for Jared! Bout a mile round trip, not too bad. Usually for lunch we do about 2 miles around campus. We'll see what we do tomorrow.

I really hope this helps! So far this year alone I've lost like 10 pounds...keeping small goals. Wanna lose 10-20 a month. According to one doc I need to look at losing like 150 total...I'm settling on 100 as my main big goal. I'll keep ya posted!