Thursday, May 20, 2010

CD25 - Bad day overall but trying to turn it around... I started it out bad...I made a poor decision...I took a test. I'm impatient OK? Very of course it's way too early and it was negative...It doesn't hurt anything but my pride and my sense of hope and all that...Then doing my make-up I dropped my blush container...yeah that was fun to clean up...ugh...

Then I get to work...and it's just an emotionally draining day. Hearing today was for the kid that flat out lied to me...but even her sappy story and crap was making me cry...this is not a good comes my pessimism...technically...a week after you ovulate, a woman's progesterone peaks in order to be ready to be ready to support a fertilized egg. If there is nothing for it to support, the progesterone drops drastically which in turn causes mood swings and crying...see why my pessimism is able to survive? Granted...increased levels can cause mood swings and crying too I guess...I don't know.

Ugh to it all. I had gone so long in my life...wondering why everyone always complained of PMS...I never had it...least not to this pronounced level...grrr...

On to other distractions...Pool was good again last night...really felt the burn and my arms were just noodles by the time I went to bed. Even played a game of volleyball...that was fun. Get to go to Seguin this weekend to see family and get Nikky's quilt quilted and eat no particular order of significance...OK we all know I'm in love with a Red Winged Flying beast that breathes fire...I do miss it terribly. Started thinking yesterday on what I could get when we go there. Mike said something to the effect of, thought we weren't going to eat there anymore and the thought of divorce flew by my mind's eye...just kidding but's a holy place to me.

Speaking of food...was bad and had to go find a cup cake yesterday. We have this great new bakery in town that I've been meaning to go check out. They are the GREENhouse Bakery..have solar panels on the roof to run their equipment and they make everything from scratch. Had a Cookies 'N Cream Cupcake and Mike had a Peanut butter cup cheesecake...both were yummy and threw our non-processed sugar eating bodies for a loop but we've rebounded fine. Hell...on the scale this morning I'm almost under a number I've been fighting with for close to getting under that dreaded next dreaded number will be I know...I'm huge and fat...but I'm getting better. Beginning of this year I was weighing in closer to the 290 mark. so I'm happy bout this. Slowly but surely. Wow...was worried bout putting the digits out there but I'm surprisingly OK with it.

OK...I gotta go run an errand for work but I'm gonna start concentrating on what I'm ordering on Saturday if I can wait that long...mmm...Dragon...