Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 5 the pain has really set in today. Fun times. Luckily I had some hydrocodone on's taking some of the edge off. Just a little...but makes life bearable again. Got on my Wii Fit this morning. had been 14 days since my last weigh in on there. Course it gave me a guilt trip and I talked being able to do that. I had lost 4 pounds (2 weeks, 4 pounds...) since my last weigh in. It's a loss...but thought it'd be more. Not sure why I thought that. We haven't been doing the best on the diet...but we're getting there. Yesterday we had some Mexican food to help celebrate a friend's birthday and I really didn't eat that much there...just had some chips and cheesy beef, a nacho, a soft taco, and a tortilla w/ cheesy beef....sounds like a lot but really wasn't...I swear...but last night I really wasn't hungry so I only had a couple of pieces of sushi and some pot stickers...and some fruit.

We went shopping last night and I'm excited to try a few things we got. I already have tried my freeze-dried's expensive but a pretty nummy snack...not filling at all...least not in my 1/8 oz servings of it but nummy none the less. I've got Blueberry and flax seed granola as a snack for home which we didn't bring to work today as snacks but we got some new "chips." Let's see...Spinach and artichoke chips, Onion chips, olive chips, and multi grain. Some of those...we got for Mikey. I'll give em a shot but not too optimistic bout onion chips. We'll see. Couldn't find my very favorite Sweet Potato chips. That ticked me off. But I'm always looking for lower carb chip replacements. I just seem to love to munch.

I'm really happy that I'm trying new and healthier foods. Our diet has become sort of predictable in the last few years. It's been yummy obviously or I would have made a change, but just boring. I need to mix it up a bit. tonight we go see our "friend" Wade and see what he has us do for our upper body. I'm hoping it means some more machines. I like working on machines for some reason. I was really disappointed that I didn't get to do leg presses on Wed night...and told him so. Hopefully we'll get there good and early so I can work some of the kinks out of my thighs...whatever the muscle is right above the knee to the hip...grrr...that one HURTS. When I sit down or stand up I feel like it's ripping. I'm sure that's only in my mind. lol...least I hope.

OK...that's it for now. I'm gonna try to get some walking done this weekend too. Going to Austin for a comic convention and then to my folks for the remainder of the weekend. We'll see what we get done.