Thursday, September 9, 2010

CD18 - WTF? I think I'm getting cheated

So...I'm on the pill this month...trying to reabsorb my cyst...regain some semblance of a life again as starting a couple of days ago...I start spotting...only 11 pills into this pack. And yes it's very minor but seriously? I get to the point where I'm just getting home last night and I'm full on cramping...but nothing big or major on the bleeding front...It's stressing me I call the Dr this morning...ask if it's normal. She makes sure I haven't skipped a pill...makes sure I'm taking at the same time everyday...yes and yes...OK...hold on for a bit...she comes back and says yep...all normal...I'm like seriously? I was promised at least another week and a half of a "break" for this month. Now things are getting a little heavier and I don't know WTF to think. I know there is nothing I can do about it. It is what it is...I'm just tired of my body not working the way it's expected to.

And as far as the cyst goes...I don't know...I still am getting my little pangs of pain over there...and now today they are pretty strong from Lucy too...I'm very close to throwing my hands up in the air...waving them like I just don't care and say yank it all out...I'm sick and tired of it all. Slap me into some hormone therapy and get me on some good anti-depressants and I'll live out the rest of my life in oblivion...can we make this work?

I've gotten no closer to finding the gray area between being under strict Dr care and meds and procedures to make this work & just giving up completely. Mike says we can get my PCOS under control. I just not seeing it. I'm tired...maybe that's clouding my judgment. I don't know...right now I just feel cheated of my month of no cares and no worries...ugh...FML