Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 18...pain made me take a break

OK...I've dealt with some pain and soreness in the last couple of weeks...I know I have...but this morning took the cake...and last night too. We got to the gym early again to do some cardio before our work out. I was still sore from the dropping it like it was hot "Deep Clean & Jerk's" outside Monday night with Wade...but I wasn't that bad I got on the elliptical for a good 30 minutes. My first time lasting that long and I was doing interval training. It wasn't that bad. Then we did a bit of a cool down on the treadmills cos the bikes were busy. My mood was doing fine and I was pushing thru just fine...Then Wade came up to get us and I don't know what happened to my mood. Something snapped for absolutely no freaking reason and I was in a pissy mood. A crying mood even. I had to take a break a couple of exercises in to go in the bathroom and have a good cry. And I've still yet to figure out why. Stupid hormones.

So I made it thru the workout without my usual cheery banter. I mean I tried but it wasn't there. I did everything he asked, no complaints, no problem. It totally sucked. And I sucked it up and muscled thru every exercise from squats to stepping, to arm work to lower ab pulls...It didn't even feel like it was work half the time. I was in a weird numb place. So we drive home...I'm still emotional and a bit cry-y.

We get out of the car and thighs/quads are screaming at me. Before the work out they were merely hollering from across the they are in my ear like a drill sergeant. NOT cool. I try to rest for the evening...Mikey graciously took over some chores that needed doing. And I went to bed early. Hydrocodone and advil really aren't touching the why bother wasting them. I woke up this morning and could barely move. UGH! Rolling over in bed was pure torture. Walking is questionable. Sitting and standing...OMG the worst. So wrote in to work and took the half day we had off and then called to try to get a message to Wade that he killed me and we wouldn't be coming in today. He obviously didn't get that message so I'm gonna quit trying that route. Need to get the kid's cell phone digits. My mood has not picked up much and all I'm doing today is trying to sleep and eat a ton of protein to help things heal. Had some yummy Tuna fish salad with mustard instead of mayo for "brunch" and we just finished Spinach cooked with Turkey bacon, onion and egg...yummy! I think I'm gonna crash for a while again.

I really need to not have these horrible mood swings. It's not cool and totally unexplainable. :((

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