Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 17ish

OK...so this weekend totally rocked...except for all the cold rain and driving in Houston traffic in said rain. So Friday night was totally awesome...WWE Smack Down! I was so ticked that my camera wasn't fully charged and I missed out on some great shots cos of it. I know how to better prepare myself for next time they come to town. We had totally awesome seats in the second row and it was worth every freaking penny! So exciting and OMG Jeff was so much better in person...I was screaming my fool head off like the total fan girl that I am.

Saturday was waking up early and driving to Houston for family photos, which surprisingly was fun. My folks, even though they saw us last weekend...were pretty impressed in the changes they have seen in us. My dad said I was looking pretty spry...not sure what that means. But we took professional pictures for the first time since our wedding and I think they turned out pretty darn good. We then went and got lunch at Pei Wei and we were the only ones that took half our food to go. That felt good to do around them as well. So we got to totally surprise them on a few levels.

There were a lot of things I noticed on Saturday. My thighs are getting a lot firmer, I'm noticing my waist making changes and my endurance has increased a lot. I'm still not sure I'm even getting enough calories to properly lose the weight I wanna lose with the working out that I'm doing. I'm just not anymore hungry than what I'm eating...if that makes sense. It's like I've shrunk the stomach and I eat so regularly, these tiny little snacks here and there...that I never get ravishing hungry...except on a few few occasions.

We had our Cheat Day on Sunday to recover from our partying the night before. I don't even think the McDonald's around here have them but I was shocked to find that in Houston they have what I'm referring to as the low-carb Big Mac...they have Big Mac Snack Wraps....Holy Crapper-doodles! That was YUMMY. And I had a Big and Tasty Audrey-style and we split the fries like usual. Then when we got back into town, we had some Rosa's Tortilla Factory...I only had 2 chicken soft tacos and 2 tortillas with butter and a little honey. So for a Cheat Day...I could have been MUCH worse...I had other things in mind but seriously...I just can't do those things anymore.

So working out this week...we're doing Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to allow our "friend" Wade a long weekend for Spring Break...aren't we nice? So I tried to be nicer yesterday...go along with everything Wade said without fighting him too much...Mike said I could still have room for improvement there...but I did do everything he said to do...and I didn't argue...much. When he made us go outside and do sideways horses in the parking lot...that's when I told him that I was going to gift him with me doing stairs...but now that we're doing horses...this was my stairs for him. They were easier. But Mike and I were doing them in unison and facing each other...I just feel like I'm trying to play basketball with Mikey and he's guarding me so mean like...it made me crack up. Then our last exercise for the night was graduated sprints...the first time I had 3 speeds like he wanted us to have...after that...I only had 2...it's not the running that gets to me...it's the stopping...on concrete...I have the fear of falling face forward into the pavement...not a cool feeling...so I do what I can, push myself as far as I feel comfy and then move on. I think Wade is cool with that. I'm actually convinced he can't stand me and that I annoy him too much...but I'm trying to get more chipper bout my teasing so he knows it's just teasing...lol

So tonight is another night and even though I'm sore from the deep clean jerks we were doing...basically 15 total "drop it like it's hot" moves...I'll try to be on good behavior. Let's see what he's got in store for us...lol

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