Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It's Hump day! I've been bored and been too busy watching Hulu to update my sad am I? lol But here I am...ran out of things to watch for today at least. So it's Wednesday...we work out tonight. We had a pretty good work out on Monday. We got there early enough again for a good hour of cardio warm up...did 30 minutes on the elliptical...took a potty break and was gonna do treadmill...but you know what...elliptical was really flowing for me Monday so I did another 30 minutes on it. It felt really good. :) So I burned what the machine tells me as 775 calories there...just in my warm up. ROCK ON!

Then we had a pretty decent workout with Wade. I think he finally figured out how to instruct me to do squats without the back of my left knee feeling like it's going to pop...some tendon back there is annoying and does NOT like squats. I'd take my Right knee to be the one that would give me grief...but's the Left. But now I will pay more attention to toes straight and ass out first then knees. We'll see. He keeps telling me to do it like I'm dropping it on the dance floor...he does NOT understand what that means. Maybe we should got dancing with him sometime so he can see what the hell I mean when I drop it like it's hot. lol

We did a good mixture and I bitched less than normal but was still full of fun loving banter. And...get this...Mike is staying home Thursday and Friday to take care of some house stuff before the party this Thursday is a work out day...we got to break it to Wade that he may just be getting me on Thursday. The look of concern on his face was priceless. :) He's been really getting into the whole getting Mikey built up and he's been able to use that as a way to avoid me more I think. He's still scared of me and my moods. I promised him if I was in a mood on Thursday I would call ahead and cancel. That seemed to ease his fears but I still think he's thinking Mikey will come with anyway. I know I can do it without Mikey there and I know Mikey will be getting enough of a work out mowing and organizing the carport and such to make up for missing the work out.

So I'm really looking forward to this weekend. It feels like forever since we've hosted a good party at our place. This one is shaping up to look really great. We'll have a great group...some newbies and some oldies and some oldies from two different groups may get to meet and I'm stoked bout my friends meeting each other. :) I know I'm odd...but it's gonna be fun...I swear damnit. If you're not having fun at my're just not doing it right. :) hehehehe

OK...guess that's's to working out tonight...getting all hot and sweaty and then going to HEB for groceries in work out clothes again...hell if people wanna look at me funny for wearing my work out gear to HEB...let em...least it proves I'm trying to do something bout my condition. LOL...F*ck em and feed em cheese!

Oh...almost forgot the funniest part of Monday night's workout...we went outside for the last 10-15 minutes...and there was this adorable cotton tail that was handing out by the fence. Wade decided he could catch he went running after it...Mike said he got close...I have to give it to Wade...he's fast! Then the rabbit appeared again...and I talked Wade into trying again...LMAO...was soooo worth his attempt...I needed the laugh...He did this slow creeping crawl on his finger tips and incredibly worth it. Alas, he wasn't able to catch it again. I just don't think he was putting in 100% effort there. We'll see if the bunny comes back again tonight!

OK...that's it now...I swear!