Friday, July 16, 2010

CD-22 Quiet week

It's been a pretty quiet week. I haven't blogged cos I'm mostly trying to push stuff outta my head this month. It *seems* to be working. Least the pushing things outta my mind part. Not sure bout the rest...

Been keeping my mind occupied with reading...on Book #8 of 10 in the Sookie Stackhouse series...still loving it...although I hear #9 might be a trying book to get through...

Got my button project almost completed...gonna be finishing the binding hopefully this weekend up in BFE NE TX. Then I can start on my crazy quilt plan...we'll see how that goes...going with no pattern is kind of a weird thought for me but once I stopping me I guess...hmmm

Nothing new to report really on the regular front. I'm just keeping my mind busy so it won't interfere. Tallied up some numbers on out of pocket how much we've paid this year alone...that wasn't the smartest thing for me to do...but oh I have that stuck in my mind...but I'm trying to push it out. Doing the insert-able progesterone and annoyed by it but keeping it up for now. Doing really good on the Metformin and all that jazz...OK...that's my update for the end of this week...going back to reading before I have to go hang at the resource table for a grueling hour and a half...ugh...then it's back to reading til 4 and then packing the car and the mutts up and driving way too much for the weekend. Stay safe and cool!