Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 2...

Well, I call this Day 2...we've been trying to lose weight for a while now...2 years ago, I lost 60 pounds in 6 months...then plateaued...and gained some of it back. Now, we started again at the first of the year and have tried to work on it seriously. We're 30, we're not getting any younger, and every extra pound is a mark against my fertility and it's killin me. So...I say this is Day 2 cos we started with a Personal Trainer, Wade, last night at a local gym.

We started with Wade even though I'm deathly afraid of gyms because of a fitness challenge they were advertising on the radio back in January. I entered to win a chance for free 3 months of training. Well I was not selected for that, but since I was a finalist I was given a great chance to get some training, along with my hubby Mikey for a reduced rate. And we are going for it. We have to do something drastic cos diet alone does not seem to be working.

So here I am...we started last night and in a mindset for needing more accountability, I'm blogging my progress. No one may read it...but hey...accountability to myself hasn't been enough. I'll put it on the blogosphere to hold me accountable.

OK...where was I...ok...we worked on upper body last night...and it wasn't all that tough...my arms were kind of noodley last night but today the arms are pretty OK...chest muscles got a work out that's for sure. They are feeling the pain. I don't even know the names of everything we were doing...I just know we were focused on arms and chest...and I didn't die.

Tomorrow night we start on the lower body...that's where I may die afterwards...I've heard of these things they do called lunges and squats...and stairs...I can feel the shin splints startin...lol

We walked today for lunch, least to go get lunch and back. It was Subway and it was on the healthy menu...hey it worked for Jared! Bout a mile round trip, not too bad. Usually for lunch we do about 2 miles around campus. We'll see what we do tomorrow.

I really hope this helps! So far this year alone I've lost like 10 pounds...keeping small goals. Wanna lose 10-20 a month. According to one doc I need to look at losing like 150 total...I'm settling on 100 as my main big goal. I'll keep ya posted!

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