Friday, March 27, 2009

feeling MUCH Better

I really didn't believe I could basically force myself into a good mood...but I did. Rock on! Kicked the hormones for now. Went and had a really good work out last night and no one really made me feel like a moron for the day before of quitting and the whole crying and hiding fiasco. Did 30 minutes on the elliptical and another 20 or 30 on the treadmill...I forget...another 500 calories or so burned, so rock on...

I can NOT wait till it warms up and I can #1 get back to working out in my pool too...I'm such a water baby and #2 get to mow my damn acre of weeds but still they need it...specially after all this rain this week and maybe #3 we can get into a routine of maybe working our or playing sports with friends...been forever since we played tennis or hoops or anything...volleyball net on the pool too so that's fun!

Still in limbo land on life right now but trying my best not to focus on that. My weekend either be great or it can be hellish...we'll see which way it turns out. Wish I could will myself to be fine if things go south in Limbo-land but we'll just have to see and play it by ear. If things stay positive we may get out of town Sat night and meet some people...who knows...maybe they'll come to us...We do Big Event in the morning with the Nikky and we have a strategy meeting tonight at 5 to make sure we're all on the same page for that cos it may prove to be hectic. Who knows...first time doing this thing...trying to give of myself more...working on that side of Karma for a change.

OK...think that's it for now...I'll probably be quiet till Monday or Tuesday on here...who knows how this weekend will go...I may need to vent. We'll see. Thanks for reading if you're reading. It does mean a lot to me that someone out there other than just my wonderful Hubby Mikey is reading this so just let me know if you're reading and supporting me or if you are a horrible person that just doesn't care...ok...don't let me know that. I may already think it already and I don't want those thoughts confirmed. LMAO :) See...much better mood today. :) MUAH!


  1. Heather Jahns KnetschMarch 29, 2009 at 5:44 PM

    I'm reading...and supporting :)

  2. I just started reading, but I am glad I did. Richard and I have been working on the weight issue (baby one too). You guys are doing way better than us. We do stuff for two weeks to a month then something hetic happens and we have a million excuses and get no where. You have really inspired me today, glad I clicked on your blog :)

  3. That's awesome Terri!'s easy to come up with excuses. Very easy. My hormones from the meds the doc is giving me make it VERY hard some days to want to work out and some I just can't. But having the dedication and the fact that we are working out with a personal trainer gives me the accountability I needed. We'll see how it goes after this month cos we can't afford him forever. Just have to make the appt with yourself and treat it as a meeting with a client...cos you are your most important client. It's how I'm having to look at it. Hugs and good luck!
