Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 11ish

OK...worked out the last two nights...Tuesday night Wade made us go outside...and play with balls and run horses in the parking lot. I was not amused. I played thru but grumbled of course the whole way thru. Wade truly isn't a bad guy...just has crazy ideas of what he thinks I think can be fun. lol I've really tried hard to explain to him that I'm not happy unless I'm complaining and I guess that's why he makes us do these things. Mike loved the work out outside. His positive attitude of reliving high school in an older and more out of shape body was amusing. He had fun and I have to say the change of venue was nice...just don't like running horses sideways...that's all.

So Tuesday went a lot faster than I thought, maybe it was cos we were outside. There was a nice breeze and it was actually pleasant.

Wednesday we got to the gym bout an hour early again and worked out on the machines upstairs. Tuesday I was only able to get up to 10 minutes on the elliptical. Wednesday evening I forced myself to do 15 and then did a bike for 30 minutes and then went back to the elliptical for another 10. I feel that's progress. It's dangerous to watch Comedy Central and be working out...I swear. Stephen Lynch and Reno 911 were killing me. Too funny.

So we finally go down and work with Wade. It's too cold to go outside so we're inside all day. Upper body work outs are getting better for me. But then he tried to make me do stairs. Homey don't play stairs. Mikey went and did the stairs. I argued him down to letting me do a fast 20 on one step. Hell, I'm probably doing more of a work out and less fear of tumbling down the stairs to a broken bone or death cos of leg exhaustion. Plus running the whole thing of stairs will kill my shin splints. I am totally convinced of that and NO ONE can change my mind. I've threatened Wade bodily harm if he makes me go thru shin splint pain. I told him to check with Mike if he didn't think I could punch. It got thru to his senses and he let me do 4 sets of fast 20's on the one step. :) Score for me!

We did the fly machine for the first time and Wade decided to be cute and crank it up to 50 pounds when I wasn't looking...punk. Guess that was pay back for me talking him out of the stairs. But I can do ti and that felt really good. Then...we went to another stationary contraption...I couldn't figure out what to do on it...oh...evidently upper body workouts include working out the lower you lay on this thing, brace your arms, ass hanging half gotta bring your knees up in 4 sets of 10...grumble grumble...I seriously laughed at him but said...I'll try anything once, except stairs, twice if it doesn't suck too bad...I managed all 4 sets...and we all know I carry a LOT of my weight in that lower region. Grumble Grumble...not doing that one when I'm cramping...cos Wade will get punched...and the assault charges may, or may not, be worth it at that point. :)

Again...the work out went by faster than I thought it would. They times. He makes it easy with chitchatting and making me lose count and such. But Mikey's been a great motivator as well for me so I'm glad he's there trudging along side of me!

On more exciting notes...I get to go see SmackDown tomorrow ngiht at Reed! I'm being such a freaking fan girl...gonna wear all my Jeff stuff and take my bear in case I get an autograph opportunity...Mikey said I can still get him to sign my boobs...but can't show that off as much...although his hands on me...hmmmmmm...ok...going to go back to work now before I get too