Monday, July 12, 2010

CD18 - Restful weekend for the most part

So on Friday we went in and saw the doc. the follicles had grown...23.5mm and 24.5 and my lining was 10.8. He saw some free fluid telling him that I was starting the ovulation process. So we went ahead and did the IUI and he called in a trigger shot for me...IUI was a little bit more uncomfortable this time but nothing horrible. I had a bit of confusion due to the language and wording he was using concerning some medication and I got a bit flustered. The confusion revolved around the great fun progesterone that I have to insert nightly...I just wish he'd give me a new script cos I hate using the bottle I had to get from my old doc when I was miscarrying last summer. It just brings up the memory all too clear when I even touch the bottle...maybe I'll just transfer them to a new container tonight...yeah...that's what I'll do. That was the main issue with my fluster-ment on Friday. I decided during my waiting period after the procedure that I just didn't need to go in to work that day. I just wanted to go home and relax. So that was the plan...go grab a bit to eat, grab my shot, give it to myself, and go home...ugh...not how it happened.

We went and grabbed lunch just fine. Go to the pharmacy all the way in Bryan, there is confusion and craziness there...I'm in the drive thru and there gets to be a LONG line behind me and I hate that so I just pull around and go in. He called in something new. Something I couldn't give to myself. Great. It cost $40 more too...awesome. Is it better? who knows. So the pharmacists were going to give me a syringe so I could do it myself, but it was finally determined that I just needed to take it all back to the Dr's office and have them give it to me. I call them to let them know I'm heading there...they say we trek back down to the South side of College Station and get the shot...shots that is...cos it was so large, it couldn't be given at my little last one I could just give myself in the tummy...nooo...I got a shot in both hips...only one bled, they both burned like Hell and then I was back on my way to just go home. Wasn't home until 2:30 or so...ugh...glad I took the day off instead of emailing my more thing I gotta do and then I'll be there...oh more thing I gotta take care in in a bit...ugh...went home and just laid down and read for a bit. Had a friend come over that evening and we grilled and hung out for a bit...just relaxing. Felt a few twinges I thought were from the shot but who knows...

Saturday, I sat around and read and worked on sewing more buttons on my quilt...who's idea were all these buttons again?...few twinges and pangs but nothing like with my other trigger shot so not really sure what's going on there. Nothing exciting happened...

Sunday...again...lazy day...mostly sewing buttons on that quilt. I'm bout 80% done with that portion. Hope to finish off the buttons this week so I can take it with me to the in-laws to finish out the binding on it this weekend. Again, few twinges but nothing remarkable. I'm left wondering if this more expensive shot was working or not...

So this morning we run back into the doc cos he wanted to do a quick scan to see if I ovulated. Thankfully he did this at no charge. Music to my ears. From what he could tell, one follicle was still there but was shrinking, one follicle had released and was collapsing, there was an excess of free fluid showing that one had at least ruptured. I should have asked him if he thought this was recent as in last 24 hours or what. The trigger shots I thought were supposed to work within 24-48 hrs. The egg is viable for 24 hours after the rupture...sperm are viable anywhere from 2-5 days depending on who you ask...numbers game...I'm trying to win here...

So that's where we stand currently. I don't know anymore than that. I wish I didn't know that much. They say knowledge is power but it only leaves me asking more questions in my head and I gotta stop that. I think I'll have a glass of wine tonight to get my brain to wind down a bit. Trying to be cautiously optimistic...not sure how that operates though...truly don't...

Come on big money! Big money! Momma need a baby to tote around!