Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 8ish we were out of town this weekend. Went to Austin for a geek out at a comic convention for me...and then visited with my family in Seguin and Kingsbury. Family always means food so it's no surprise that this morning I was up 0.7 pounds on wii fit. No biggie...there was Dragon Place involved and I thought we did really well, that involves rice and fried heavenly eggrolls. We were able to bring a lot of it home and then we shared it with Nikky today for lunch. So again, we didn't gorge ourselves on it. I'm proud of us.

Sunday morning we even went walking in the pasture behind my folks' house. It wasn't a big walk but a walk none-the-less. It was a incline at least in 1 direction. got us sweating and breathin hard...that's all that matters.

We were supposed to work out tonight but got a call from our "friend" Wade at lunch today and he wanted to reschedule for tomorrow night instead. So now...We get to work out Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights...back to back...JOY! I better not be too sore to enjoy my weekend. lol I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm gonna try to get some DDR done tonight. Might have to crank on the ac for that. Maybe we'll just go for a walk on our road...who knows. Just gotta be moving.

Eat less, move more...that's my new motto! Oh btw...really wasn't even sore at all this weekend. Either Wade didn't work us too hard on Friday or my body is getting wait till we do legs again...I'll be whining again I'm sure.


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