Wednesday, July 7, 2010

CD13 - getting some twinges

So I have my Dr Appt tomorrow morning. So far nothing too conclusive on the ovulation test strips. Barely barely faint line showing up. I'm getting messages from both Lucy and Ethel the last few days...I can't really say who's speaking the loudest, but they are talking. Hell, I guess they could just be yelling at each other. Who knows.

I'll of course give another update tomorrow with whatever the Dr has to say. I know y'all just can't wait to learn what my ovaries are producing this month...LMAO. I know I'm funny. If you read this, it's because you either care or are just nosey. Either way...It doesn't matter to me. I would like to think it's because ya care and are hoping the best for me. It doesn't matter particularly to me because this is one of my tools for getting through this grueling process. It helps me to track and be able to look back and say...was I doing this last month? or is this something new?

I got to see a family that I consider good friends last night. I haven't seen them since basically our wedding in 2002. I babysat for them since their oldest was around 8 or 9 months...watched him grow up and also wated his little brother and sister too. They left the Bryan area when the youngest was still about 2 I guess. They were all in my wedding and they were all adorable. Now the oldest is 15 and the youngest is 10...I am feeling old. 15 year old is now 6 foot and that was insane to me. I knew it would happen cos his dad is tall and lanky too, but still...8 years ago he was a shorter but still lanky 7 year old. It was good to see them. I was a little nervous but it was a great time. Mom wanted me to get pictures but I just wasn't up for that. I'm sure I can get Debbie to send me some pics when they get back home to Ohio.

Other than that...I'm now on Book #6 in the TruBlood books...thanks Katie for feeding my addiction. Sorry Azure, you were too slow to restock me. LOL I'm totally engrossed in the series and even have Mike interested in reading them and getting the series to watch. It's great to retreat into a world so clear to me but so different from my real life and troubles.

OK...back to shredding if my shredder has cooled back down keeps overheating cos I'm working it too hard. Keep having flashes like I would have been good to work for Enron back in the day...OK...back to it...I see the end of my shred box soon in my future!