Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day 9ish

OK...we start our 3 day trek of working out each night. Fun times. We walked to NorthGate for lunch cos Nikky needed to get out and walk out some stress...I think I did good. Had a slice of pizza from Antonio's...Spinach, Artichoke and cheese, thin thin crust. Ate it slowly and it totally stuffed me.

Then this afternoon I had to run a binder to a professor who's across campus...so that was another good walk for me. Felt great...just a bit warm out there today. But knew the next couple of days wouldn't be great for walking cross campus so figured today was better than later. Haven't been in that building since I worked there as an undergrad in Computer Science Dept. Ugh...not great memories. And I got to pass by my old job and the Chemistry building...felt good to stride by there and no even glance around for people I would know.

So tonight we're working on lower body. Here's to hoping I can stay in a positive mood during that and not fight Wade on everything. I hope he knows my fighting is half in jest...half real. so far he's not showing that his skin is too thin so think we are good. :)

Gotta stop by the eye doc to pic up an extra contact but then it's straight to the gym so we can get warmed up on some good cardio...I'm gonna go for a goal of 15 minutes on the elliptical...so far 7 has been the max at one time...gotta slowly build up on those before they totally kick my ass.

Guess that's it for the report for now. Should write again tomorrow! MUAH!

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