Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lost count of days...it's a longer Journey than days anyway!

OK...so it's been close to a week since I wrote on here. Last week was a tough one for me workout wise. Tuesday was emotional to no end...thanks to wonderful hormones and Wednesday was just plain painful! But yay! I am healed, I say! By Thursday afternoon I was in the pool helping Mikey scrub it down so I can get some use out of it some day soon. So all better now! And I even used my mother-in-law's treadmill over the weekend even though it was loud and annoying and the treadmill was loud too. hehehehehe Always the comedian, that's me.

So we have been weighing ourselves every morning at the house all natural with no added weight. I think first thing in the morning is the best...no extra food weight and such. So I had been watching my weight come down. It was exciting. But Monday when I got to the gym and weighed myself before shoes...I was so happy...down 5 pounds since last Monday! Even if that scale weighs me a few pounds heavier than at home...it is later in the day and I do have clothes on...so that could account for the 2-3 pound difference. Then I went to the doc office this morning...and they only show 6 pounds for the month...hmmm...but hey...I'm down 15 pounds in the past two months. Wooohooo! Time for new clothes shopping! My pants are starting to become a bit loose!

Last night we did our normal 45 minutes or so of good cardio. I was proud of Mikey...he's been miserable with allergies and I didn't think he'd be able to play through given the mood and state of mind he's been in all day yesterday. But it seems like as long as he's exercising, eating or sleeping...he's fine. Soon as we quit any of those 3 things...he's miserable again. He's trying a new drug today and so far it seems better. But I burned bout 500 calories on cardio for that portion of the work out and Wade had some interesting new machines for us to try...lol...But I made it thru with only a few slight distractions. :) But I did find out that Wade missed the Sassy me that was missing on Tuesday when my hormones acted all flaky. I knew he would. I know I can be a difficult whiney bitch when I work out...OK...probably more often than that...but my playful banter and arguing is greatly missed when it's not there. He said he was seriously scared of me cos evidently only Bitch was shining through. LMSAO!

So we are thinking now that we will do one more month with Wade...and then go to just a gym membership. It's really been helpful lately and I think I still need the structure of a personal trainer. We're gonna try an experiment and go away from the supplements that we were buying from the doctor's office. I just can't say for sure they were worth ALL the money that we were paying for them...plus all our other vitamins on top of that...I think we already had a good handle on what vitamins we needed. I think the only one I may miss is the shot one...but not sure I'll even miss that. We'll play it by ear and see...cos that's $300 for 2 months worth of shots for the both of us really...and that's a lot when we have the personal trainer and I think we worked it out and it cost like 30 or 40 bucks per pound I lost...with everything we were paying for and that's factoring Mikey's health benefits in that as well. The Dietician was outrageous on cost for what she was doing for us since we knew what to do...we just needed more supervision...and once a month...sorry...not enough supervision for $100-150 a month...and then $100 worth of supplements a month for the 2 of us and then the shots on top of that...a costly experiment that worked but didn't work. lol I can do this with just the gym and trainer damnit...and our regular regimine of vitamins.

So things are looking good. Down 15 pounds since the end of January...should have seen what my starting weight was in late December...maybe I'll call and see if they can tell me that over the phone...and to think that includes the trip to Vegas and everything...I'm on a good stretch...we'll see what other good comes my way... :)


  1. Hey Audrey...just wanna let you know I'm reading...you've actually inspired me...I started working out again this week after a 3 or 4 year hiatus. Keep it up, girl!

  2. Awww! Glad I could inspire ya! :)
