Friday, June 18, 2010

CD24 - One week to go...

One week has come and gone...I think I've distracted myself enough so week to go till good or horrible news...I'm gonna do my best to keep myself occupied this weekend. Wanted to go see Nikky and her new little one...but it doesn't work well for her and I respect that. Maybe next weekend...depending if it's Horrible or Good news...I doubt I should be trusted in Houston traffic if it's horrible news...

This week has been interesting, but dull all the same. Really not much to report. We have started the war on scorpions and I think we may have thrown em off so far. Mike sprayed down the perimeter of the house and the pool and the carport...we didn't see one last night...killed one inside the night before and that was in my toilet paper drawer...on the roll I picked up...and he didn't sting me. Counted myself lucky there.

The NBA Finals were a bit of a disappointment to me...not that I'm a Celtics fan...I'm just anybody but Kobe fan. I hear there is a lot of that going around.

Spirit Pig has been tagging along with me lately. Nothing new there...waiting for his big fluffy sister to show up so I can squeeze on her...waiting patiently for my birthday that's me...I want my piggy!

Kind of boring's why I haven't written. If I can keep the stress to a dull roar I count it a win for now. All I can do...right?

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