Tuesday, June 15, 2010

CD21 - Not much to report

Really not much to report I guess...Least I don't feel like it. Lucy and Ethel were really upset on Saturday night. I think they were excited to have Nikky's baby to talk to cos Nikky was telling me that she was being a lot more active that night. Like to think I might have had something to do with getting that precious little one here yesterday...pheromones and ovaries talking to Ms. Noella Crystell and such. I'm sure I had nothing to do with it but damn I hurt after hanging out over there. It got so bad, that I had to shut them up with Darvocet. As always, Lucy was the most vocal...think she was maddest cos she wasn't even supposed to work this cycle. Like trying to squeeze cash from a turnip...can't be done.

The girls have calmed down for the most part. Still getting a random twinge here and there...not sure why or what it is. So I just have to keep on keeping on with my waiting...and more waiting...Still working on distractions so if you got an idea, throw it out there. Wanna get back down to Houston this weekend to visit my new "niece" but fundage seems to be missing. Working on fixing that. If not this weekend, I know I'll get down there soon. Wanna give them time to get home and get settled first.

Got a blue jean quilt to work on and I got cross stitch. Basketball is over this week...either tonight (hoping) or Thursday night...After that I'm gonna have to distract myself in the pool or become productive in the sewing room. Have to work on the war against the scorpions as well. My finger is burning and itching so much it's a pain to type with but I'm doing my best to push through. Just have more typos to fix. hehe I still am glad to have him sting my finger than get stung on my face or worst case scenario have him get stuck in my hair and sting my scalp...grumble grumble...that would have PISSED me off. This is just an annoyance.

Spirit Pig made the trip to Houston this past weekend. I got my niece Brooke to give him a good luck kiss so maybe that'll help. I know...grasping at straws. Would have had Lauren do the same but she's still very untrusting of strangers and sadly, that is what I am to her. Man, if looks could kill, I'd be dead from the time I offered to hold her so her daddy could take pics of Brooke's presents or the time I offered to help her with her drink...she has some spunk at 21 months...lol

OK...guess that's it...couldn't blog yesterday cos I would have had to talk bout Ms. Noella and I was not authorized yet to do so. Her making her entrance hit me at an off time. I'm kind of overwhelmed...my trigger shot is leaving my system and putting me in my usual tired/depressed mood...and then I get the text that she's here. I can't lie...it caused me to ache and to have a little cry. But all of that was for JoJo...I've very happy that Noella is here and I'm very happy and excited for Nikky and her hubby. She is a gorgeous precious baby girl who weighed in at 6lbs, 8oz. Just the normal ache of sorrow and envy that I tend to get. Was expecting it, but just didn't realize how strong it would be.

OK...back to distractions...anyone got any? hehe

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