Friday, June 11, 2010

CD17 - IUI#5

Well we did #5 this morning. Was a bit confused on a few things...but it's done. And now the wait begins. My Ov test this morning was not a strong positive or anything so I was confused if I needed to pick up a shot before we went to the doc and evidently they were too...cos I had to go afterward and get one still. Ugh...communication is a wonderful thing when it works properly.

So Ethel was talking a bit more last night and it looks like the follicle was already starting to collapse which is a "good" think I was starting the ovulation process...the follicle was down to 23 mm. Not sure if that's really a good thing or not. I don't know. I'm not the medical professional. IUI went bout normal and fine. Went and got my shot and gave it to myself and then went to lunch. The shot always takes a couple of hours to kick in...Ethel is now spazzing a bit...she's being forced to give up the follicle faster than she normally would. My ovaries are lazy...well it's not that they don't have a work ethic or anything...they just...they do what they are told and evidently cos of my insulin resistance, the brain never gets told to make enough estrogen to make them work on a clock. The human body is so freaking complicated.

We had a really awesome evening with my parents. They came into town last night and braved it out at the lake for the night so that they could take us out to dinner. Next time they come in the slide in camper, they can just stay in our driveway. Much better facilities. But we made it out to OutBack and had some yummy yummy food. The waiter was a bit weird and forgot to ask us if we wanted dessert...cos of course I we went out and tried a newish yogurt place in was AWESOME! All different kinds of non-fat yogurt and some sorbets and fresh a buffet style...grab a bowl, get your yogurt, get your toppings, weigh it at the end and pay. Who would have thunk it was a good idea? YUMMY! They had a double stuffed oreo yogurt that just...mmmmmmmm...

We get to go into Houston this weekend. Got my oldest niece's birthday to celebrate. Think she's gonna go gaga for the present we got her. Least that's what my brother and my mother tell me. I don't get to spend enough time with them to really know what they are into. This year I didn't get around to be the crazy Aunt Audrey who sews her stuff. Maybe next year. I also get to go and visit with my Nikky. We'll see if she's still home or cranking out her little one. It's not looking favorable on the baby being born front yet so who knows. Guess it would make the visit more enjoyable if I'm not in a hospital and she's not yelling in L&D. lol I'm hoping she'll go gaga for her gift too...maybe I'll even get my birthday present...I did leave hints...and I'm subtle like a boot to the head...but who knows. Then I think I get to take a chair off her hands and that's exciting for me! After that, we may go visit some friends in Montgomery...who knows if they even recall that plan...I need to check in with them.

Guess that's it for now. Just gotta figure out distractions for the remainder of the month...twiddling my thumbs don't count.

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