Thursday, May 13, 2010

CD18 - Kind of moody today

I'm sure it's from the stress I'm not feeling and the coming down off the HCG shot...I'm just a bit moody and I wanna curl up and sleep all day...can't cos I'm at work and people would look at me funny on the couch in my office. So I don't. I have given up coffee for this week and next and whatnot...just precautionary cos I read that caffeine can hinder stuff right now. So I'm not able to get my usual pick me up...I'm doing my best to stay away from my diet cokes and my coke zeros...just my zen green tea and water...and I'm tired. I'm not sleeping well. Stupid hormones give me vivid dreams and even if I can't remember all of them, I just don't feel rested...Wow...I'm a whiny one today...

Spirit pig keeps following me around. It's OK...he's not stalking. He's just so cute and tiny I can't leave him home alone when I need him with me to do his job.

I'm trying to submerge myself in shows on hulu and comedy central to get me through the day...but then I have students coming in and phones ringing and people expect me to do my job...seriously? Really? LOL...fine...I guess...I was just grooving to Glee when the latest student came in to review her file. So I sit and blog while she's here. I'll probably be done before she leaves.

This job gets me thinking sometimes. So many parents think their child can do no wrong. They obviously are not to blame. And I wonder if I'll ever be like that or if I'll get the chance. I'd like to say that while I will love my child unconditionally, I will know they are human and can make mistakes, careless judgment calls which have them violating our sacred Honor code...I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt when they come through this office. Usually I can read the kid and know if they are blatantly lying to me or not...this current kid, through me for a loop. Out right lied to me. Told our Investigators she did it, flat out, no blinking. Now she's coming to me like she didn't ever lie to me. I'm not the judge...I'm not supposed to care...but she point blank lied to me. I mean, she had no reason to. All I do is facilitate the process...Make the process of going through our Honor Council process as smooth as possible. And she lied to my face. Now she's going to blame her multitude of medications she's on for changing her character and causing her to cheat in 3 classes simultaneously. And I know our Honor Council will take that into consideration but it doesn't change the fact that she faked Doctors notes for multiple dates in 3 classes...OK...I'm off focusing on this cos it just irritates me...

So yeah...guess I'm a little testy today. Stupid hormone shot mixed with my already hormonal self with ovulation in general. OK. Breathing and going back to Glee...that will get me through til 3pm at least...then I have to get creative if no work has come in...

Oh...worked on the back of my quilt last night. Got the big center figured out and I just have to build on that...but I have a game tonight...hopefully LeBron won't frustrate me too much. No pictures of the quilt now until it is delivered...which I have to get crackin on cos my Nikky is now on the dreaded bed rest...Gotta leave something as a surprise...

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