Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CD17 - IUI this morning and now the dreaded 2WW...ugh

Anyone got one of those time machine thingies...a big Blue police box that goes ? Anybody? No...damnit...I could use one right now. This is the hardest part of this process that goes on every month/cycle we try...Is it working? Will it take? What's going on in there? Hello?

Breathe in...Breathe out...not supposed to stress...stress produces bad chemicals that can only hinder things. Gotta be Easy-Breasy...roll with the punches and avoid the detours and day dreams. Yeah...that's a plan.

Soooooo...I have a dreaded 2 week wait ahead of me. More progesterone the fun of being pregnant without knowing if I am...ugh...I will survive...I always do. I wanted to write more but this week is busy and I got sidetracked by work. Least it made the afternoon fly by.

Got some more material so I can finish Ms Nikky's quilt...plan on heading home on the 22nd so I can get it quilted and then have it finished finished when I get down to Houston in June after our birthdays...Working on finishing my blue jean quilt too...still have to get something for's gonna be cute with all these little red buttons sewed in instead of actual quilting. Red Ribbon for binding...should be adorable.

Going to Roger Creager on Saturday at Wolf Penn free concert series. Should be a great time. Trying to get a group of peeps together...always more fun in a group...

Oh...and I have a Spirit Pig! We were in this Organic Food store and stumbled upon it and he screamed at me and I couldn't resist. He supposedly brings fertility, abundance and's CUTE and a red head too...hehehe...Without further adieu...let me introduce...SP...Spirit Pig! He was there for all of today's festivities.


  1. Love spirit pig! Hope the two weeks is going well for you - I hate that part so much....

    I need my own mascot. I am thinking now......

  2. Spirit Pig brings me great comfort'm not a religious girl...I'm just a follower of what strikes me. And I've always loved piggies...and he screamed...and I mean screamed at me from his little bin at the store. I know he doesn't have magical powers. I don't delude myself on that. It's just the idea gives me some relief. Now if he don't work this month...he gets fired. No Pressure Spirit Pig! No Pressure! hehehe
