Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Riding a high right now

We had a great work out last night. OK...I did...Mike was still rather exhausted but I think he had a good work out too. He's really sleepy today...he should have stayed home. I'm having some coffee cos I'm getting addicted again but I'm not using it to wake up. I swear...lol

So, of course last ngiht we got to the gym good and early, straight from work cos what else can we do since we live so far out of the way...And I did 35 on the elliptical and that accounts to bout 400 calories burned! Woohoo! Then I got on the treadmill and did another 300 calories in the next 35 or so minutes. I was feeling the burn and having fun with it. On the elliptical, I even did speed intervals again...but this time I did 2 minutes at a time instead of 1. Then one time I just went to see how fast I could get it going...and wow...that was a shocker...and hard to stop.

Then we went and met with Wade. Evidently yesterday was Arms Day. That's all we really did. I was in a very cheerful/Evil mood so I was having fun. My arms are a bit rubbery today but no major pain yet. They are resting. He really pushed me on doing some push-ups...and I had to adjust his bar placement on my last set...cos I was going to fail basically and I only had to do 15...and that was working the arms to their fail point, not sure if he realized that...he's sneaky so who knows. For our final bit, we went to go do a little Ab workout. He has high hopes of what he thinks I can do. So yeah, I tried and that was a no go. So instead he had me do some slow scissor kicks until fail. Yeah he wanted 4 sets...he got 3 and I said new exercise please...lol...and I got to do an Ab machine so that was least good.

I was impressed with my attitude and my stamina...even if they didn't show how impressed they were...I was happy with myself so it's all good. On the Scissor kicks, when doing them, I didn't feel it in the Abs at all. And I'm like...something ain't working here...but man...afterwards when we went shopping at HEB...OK...I could so feel it then. But today...I'm golden. So it's all good.

This weekend was fun. Saturday I shocked myself and was able to mow the ENTIRE back 1/2 acre in 3 hours. Usually this feat takes me all day or at least 6 hours or so cos of all the breaks I have to take. But not this time. Wooohooo! Things are looking up for me in the stamina department so it's all good. Then we went to town, had some Freebirds (who has Carnita's now and they are SOOOOOOOOOO Yummy!), went to the movies, drooled over Vin in Fast & Furious with the Nikky and Roger, then had Pei Wei, then went home and vegged and then had my leftovers from Pei Wei. :) Leftovers rock. Really expands the dining out experience.

Sunday was Wrestle Mania...and YAY! We had it in HD at the house on our beautimus TV. We had some friends over and had a grand ole time! It was a late night but it was a fun one. We had this huge awesome pork loin that we put on the pit and it was super yummy! We had some slightly overcooked Chicken wings and of course my Cheese Dip with sausage in it. I may or may not have had a moment with some chips and spinach dip as well as a bit of yogurt and granola...but nothing too dangerous is in my house anymore...worst stuff was the Cheesy Pork.

We did eat Cazadore's yesterday for lunch and I did have some chips and Cheesy beef but that wasn't my fault. I wanted Jason's Deli. I got out-voted by the line at Jason's. But I did good and had spinach enchiladas. Then after work out last night I was bad and we had some quick food from Wendy's. But seeing as I burned at least 1000 calories last night and lost .6 pounds from yesterday morning, I'm not too guilty feeling at this time. I was last night though. But I'm over it this morning after the scale was nice to me.

Guess that's it. I hope Wade finally reads my comments on him from last Friday. I was hurt he didn't read them before our work out last night. But I won't let it bother me. :) Hopefully this good positive attitude can last thru-out the week of working out. That would be a first. LOL. But hey, I got started on an excellent note. :) OK...done tooting my own horn...hehehehe

1 comment:

  1. I sure am glad you are riding high honey. I hope Wade reads this too so that you don't have to kick his butt tonight!
