Saturday, April 11, 2009

It was a good week...have to say

So sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I'd like to say I was busy with work or something but I was busy watching TV at work when I didn't have cases. But the cases were few and far between. Then on Thursday I woke up with a migraine and ended up staying home until work out time. It went away around 3 or 4 in the afternoon so it was safe. And then Friday was a half day. Gotta love religious holidays for at least getting me out of work somewhat. So Happy Zombie Jesus Weekend to all those that care. lol Got tired quickly of all the Easter stuff this year. Guess it's just me. working out this weekend. I think it went rather well. I didn't fight Wade very much...least not like I have been. I just gave him some very weird looks at times. We did legs on Wednesday and he tried to make it where I couldn't walk on Thursday...maybe he was half to blame for the migraine. But I'll let him slide and blame the wonders of hormones instead...otherwise the coincidence of it all would be just weird. But yeah, we did a lot of new leg workouts...then he made me do some Ab stuff...least I think it was Wednesday...I know it wasn't Thursday...He worked the side Abs. Standing up, holding a weight in one hand...and dropping that hand for 20 and then switch to do the other side. That hurt is just now going away. lol But it felt good.

On Thursday, my legs didn't even want to make it up the stairs to go do cardio. So I thought I would take it easy and do a bike instead of elliptical and treadmill...but the calories per minute was so sad that I gave up after 10 minutes and only 60 calories burned. Screw that. I need to burn more. So I went and did 45 minutes on the treadmill instead. Think I ended up with 450 on the treadmill. Not as much as usual but the legs just were not up for the elliptical. I didn't eat my usual calorie intake on Thursday since we were home...and for some reason, I just can't eat as often as I do at work. So we went to Subway afterwards to try to make up some calories. But we did arms on Thursday and Wade had a few new things to try. He's really starting to bulk up on the weights for Mikey. Our goal is to have him looking like he belongs on the Wrestling circuit in a few months. Guess we're gonna have to look into shaving him should be fun. He assures me it won't be a big deal. I know it'll look great and I've been harping on him to do it for years...but now that it's a reality...should be interesting.

So that was my week of working out. It was good. I think I did very well. I barely fought...I'm sure Wade would say otherwise but my fights weren't serious. This weekend I'm focusing on sewing and cleaning for the party next weekend. I was going to mow...but I think I'll wait till later in the week. I don't have much I want to mow. The weight is coming off slowly. I like to think I'm burning fat but replacing it with muscle which is why the weight digits aren't going down. Don't ruin my illusion. lol Had lunch with a friend on Friday who I haven't seen in quite a few months. He told me it over obvious that I was slimming down. I'll take his word for it. It's hard to notice on a day to day basis. And I didn't let Wade do measurements cos all I cared about was the weight to come down...but now I'm curious...damnit. Oh well. Guess pictures will tell the tale. I want to do a photo shoot soon so hopefully we'll see some changes in those.

OK...till next time...MUAH!

1 comment:

  1. See, I told you you were loosing weight! The Benchley crew thought I was getting skinny too, even though I'm at the same weight that I was when we started.
