Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Foll's day but not foolin

So here it is a new month...Didn't play any April Fool's jokes...not really in the mood for em. Glad no one really had any for me. So it's Wednesday, Humpday...workout day! Work has actually been a little busy...stupid bad Aggie's getting in the way of my bill paying, TV watching and blog writing. Can't understand why they rather me do actual work instead of my work. I don't get it. LOL

OK...So I just actually scanned back thru and saw people have actually left me some comments! I'm touched. Thanks! I'll try to be more observant of comments coming thru. I really thought this blogger would send me notices of comments. Oh well, maybe I have to tweak something in the settings for that. But seeing comments and knowing people are reading and maybe I'm helping to inspire someone...that rocks! That's why I'm doing this. Cos we all know...I'm a giver. LMAO...OK...that was funny. But no, I feel good to be contributing some way out there to the greater good.

So Monday we worked out with our "friend" Wade. He decided we weren't going to be counting reps...we were gonna be working at a faster pace...get more cardio into the workout. Forget the fact that I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 on the treadmill and burned 620 calories prior to starting...but hey...I'm game to try something new. I did crap out at the end. It was an exercise I can't do very well so I just gave up on my last 2 sets of 4...I didn't think that was so bad. Wade tried to guilt me with a pouty face...that won't work when I have my mind made up. He'll learn. LOL...I think he seriously thinks I hate him. I love striking fear in those around me. :) The fact I keep coming back and am signing up for another month of his kind of fun...that should say something. I haven't asked for a replacement trainer, which is simply cos I'd hate to train a whole new one. Wade was so easy to break in. hehehehe

But Monday night was actually somewhat fun. I just hope this allergy/sinus crap I'm dealing with is just that and not strep like my poor friend Nikky. She can't seem to stay well these days. It's driving the both of us bonkers. And...I can't afford to get sick. We have Wrestle Mania at our place on Sunday. I got company coming over and cleaning and mowing and such to do. Plus I don't have much saved time at work here lately from dealing with my sickness after we got back from Vegas.

So I'm gonna push thru tonight...see what happens...keep pushing the water and maybe I can flush this crap out if it is some bug. Not give it a chance to settle in. Plus I have more sewing to do on this quilt I'm working on. Will need to deliver it in the next couple of weeks. It's not 5 yet and I want it to be so I can get out of this boring place. No Nikky means it's extra boring. LOL...OK...I'm out for now...will try to write again tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I back...I did not give you strep..I kept it all too myself! Love the blog, might have to start one myself!
