Wednesday, May 19, 2010

CD24 - Super Sleepy...

So I got in the pool last night...the water was bout 86-87 degrees and it felt great. If I get back in tonight I'm gonna have to vacuum was annoying me last night that there was stuff on the bottom...and then with working out...of course it all gets stirred up and starts floating into my face...but was a good time. Both my legs and arms are feeling the water resistance work I was doing so that's always a plus. Really wore me out and I thought I'd get some solid sleep so I didn't take any melatonin and of course slept like crap. Was awake at 4AM and that's not cool. Very lucid and crazy dreams but that's probably related to was a week ago today that I had the IUI and always 7-8 days past Ovulation, there is a hormone spike...let's just cross our fingers that the spike doesn't bottom out...that would be bad...

So part of my dream was that I went to my Dr and he informed me that I would have a lot of back pain this time around due to my tilted uterus and just to expect it for the next 9 months and it'll be fine. It was so real and lucid that when I woke up I had to seriously remember that it had all been a dream...I hadn't been to the Dr in a week and of course he had not confirmed anything's still too early. I still have a week to wait and drive myself crazy during. I'll probably start testing in a few days cos I am just that impatient.

Other parts of my dream included me looking for a place to live because I was tired of sleeping on my friend's couch and they were needing the I got a bead on a place that was on the upper level of a mall across from the quaint little coffee I go to check it out with a friend and he convinces me to have a cupcake...a $36 cupcake...been craving a good gourmet cupcake for a while now but I'm not spending $36 that's for sure. I don't even recall that I could taste it. Should have checked to see if I was missing any of my pillow...Another part had me looking for a place to store my Bass Clarinet case after I did some performance with the Aggie Band...Just remember walking round this building following people's instructions and ending up in a room that had nothing to do with band...all I can remember of that part...there was some other part but I can't fully recall's getting foggy on me...

I don't put much stock in dreams...I know they are brought on my hormones or chemically induced from medications or drinking...not that I drink often at all...they are just weird...and they don't allow me to have a restful night's sleep. And I could really use a restful night's sleep...Where I can wake up refreshed and no zombie-like. That too much to ask?

OK...I go back to distracting my mind from what it wants to think about now...come on work and hulu...

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