Wednesday, June 10, 2009

OK's been forever it's has been a while for me in posting here. No I haven't given up. I'm still trucking along. Some weeks are good...some are worse...some we get to the gym once, some we get there 3 times...who knows. Our lives have been kind of busy lately with our birthday s but that has died down now so back to the grind.

We're heading back to the gym tonight. It'll be a week since we were there. Nikky has joined the gym and is working out with a trainer too so that's helping me still go. :) It's fun to help her out as well as get a good work out for myself. She's always fun to spend any time with...even when we're trying to kill ourselves.

I do need to get back in there...I kind of gorged on food the last few's my birthday...what can I do? lol Chimichanga for lunch yesterday and sushi and Chinese last night...what can I do? Seriously? But Birthday are over and while it is still technically my birthday week and month...I'm going to forgo the usual laziness of June and get back into the swing of the gym. May even still go all next week while Mike's out of town. We will

Guess that's all I got for now...I'll try to keep posting more soon. I did get a lot of positive feedback this past weekend bout how I'm trimming up and such so that was awesome to hear. It's hard to notice when I see myself daily. Thanks for all the kind and positive words from those of you that I got them from! They mean a ton!


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