Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Doing it on my own and it's going ok

OK...so I fired Wade...Fired is a harsh word but I have completely quit that track. We Went to the gym last night, forked over a ton of cash...well credit card cash...for a full year's paid in full membership for me and Mikey to the gym...then on top of that I got to pay for his 2.5 months of training with Wade. UGH...if that wasn't enough of a work out...least my pocket book is slimmer now...lol

I then went and worked on cardio. I did about 40 minutes up there, mostly on elliptical and some on treadmill. Then I struck out and hit the gym floor by myself. Mike was off working with Wade and I just wanted to do a little bit of machine work as well. I did some of my favorite arm machines and then even pulled in an ab work out. I didn't overdo it cos I was alone down there, and therefor I was a bit overwhelmed. I mean I know a lot of the machines but not all of them. I don't want to fall in a rut...I need a work out buddy for when Mike is training...I have a friend who I text on the phone but it's not quite the same...lol...Mike's making more friends than me in the gym so he's more likely to have a work out buddy...and he probably needs a good male work out buddy to help him pump the major iron...I'm not much of a spotter when it comes to weight I can't even lift myself. LMAO

So we go back Wednesday night cos Wade told him to not even come in today cos he worked him really hard last night and his muscles need to rest. So we'll see how it goes when it's the two of us on the floor. I know Mike needs to do other work outs that don't really include me but it's important that I'm there and trying. And that I don't allow myself to get too overwhelmed.

So...YAY! We have a year's membership paid...can't back down now! And I'm down to my lowest weight in a long time...I'm bout where I was close to 2 years ago now when I plateaued. I can't wait to shatter that and keep going down. Slowly but surely...slowly but surely. hehehe

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