Thursday, April 30, 2009

Feel like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders

So...Went to the gym last night...first time in pretty much 2 weeks that I actually was feeling good and ready to work out. Got there and went upstairs and did my thing on the elliptical and some on the treadmill. The place was packed. It's the last week of the fitness challenge thing that I wasn't exactly selected for so all machines were busy. But I squeezed in on one and did my thing. Felt good to be back on the cardio equipment and only got to burn like 400 calories...but we got there kind of late.

Then comes the dread part. We had to go down to meet with Wade. I just don't have the heart to make that fun anymore. I tried. Wade started me off slow and I knew he knew better than to push me after me being gone for such a long time from the weight training part of working out. So I did wall squats with the big ball on my back...not too knee bitched a bit but I could deal. Then he brought out two step boxes on top of each other and wanted me to do some bounces or something...again...not too bad and did it without much complaint other than the need to hold onto the wall so I didn't lose my balance. This whole time he's off having Mike work specific muscles to keep up with his training.

Then, he has me do the Susan Summer's leg machines...they basically do the same thing as her little flaky device. There are two machines. One that works the outside muscles and one that does the inside muscles. The inside muscles machine was acting flaky and wouldn't' let me set the resistance. So there are pads that go on the inside of your knee and you have to get your knees to the furthest possible while not causing you pain position, set the resistance and then squeeze in,back out, in, back out. I've used this machine before. But this time I couldn't get it to set my Wade comes over to assist. I tell him that that's as far back as my knees go...I'm in the machine...the little F*cker pushed them a bit more...and if you know hips can be a big pain on me...I almost screamed out in pain cos OUCH! That I did not quit over. I pushed thru, just didn't ask him for his help anymore trying to set the damn thing.

Then he had me on a leg press/squat inclined machine. It was really quite easy but it was pushing it towards the end of a set...he tried to be slick and sneak in more weight. I stood my ground and said no...made him admit to adding more weight and remove it. I bitchy-whiny side was really starting to come thru. But after the hip thing I was already a bit ticked off. So he removes the added weight and I finish out the second set. So, did I mention I'm up in this machine on a big incline...not the easiest to get in and out of. My face is sweating, my glasses are fogging...I ask for my towel. He says, No. He wants me to do another set first. I say if I have to get up to get it, I'm done. He still doesn't get it. he waits till I sit up and am half out to reach for it. I take the towel, grab my water bottle and tell him I'm done. I meant the machine at first, but I quickly decided, no...I was done with the workout for the day...least with him. I don't like to be bossed. I really hate it. I know I made a whiny-bitchy scene...and I don't really care.

Wade tried...he decided we'd move on to Abs...for some reason I like to do Abs...but no...I was done...I hopped on a treadmill and told him to continue on with Mike. I cranked the speed and the incline up and I just booked it for the next 15 minutes or so till they were done. A few minutes in on the treadmill he even came over to offer my headphones...but my stubborn-ness said I didn't need em. He left them there as a peace offering I guess...but I didn't touch em.

Now again...I will totally admit that I am a whiny-bitchy-princess who really likes things her way. If you know me, I'm not shy bout this fact. I don't like to be bossed. I don't like to be told No. I like to be in control. If you can call those faults, those are mine. I'm VERY stubborn and have to have things my way. I've never liked gyms and am usually totally intimidated by them.

I have gotten over my fear of the gym. I actually love to work out now (as long as I'm not a hormonal mess that breaks down in tears of frustration on the treadmill, but that's only one week of the month so far). I initially took to the trainer. I thought it was great. We had fun conversation, we got some good workouts. I needed that structure and instruction on what to work on and which machines do what. I got that now.

Mike will probably continue with Wade at least once a week...we're gonna figure out the cost involved tonight I guess, and I'm getting a membership for the "family" and we will still be going to the gym. I have not given up and I'm not stopping this journey. I see the big picture and I am still heading on that path. I just no longer care to have a guide. I got the basics and I have Mike to fall back on if I get lost or need support.

So Wade, not like you have the time in your busy life to read this...but it's not's Me. Enjoy Mikey. :)

And I'm out!

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