Monday, September 26, 2011

5 weeks out

Well here we are...5 weeks past our little angel's arrival and we are doing great. I am now officially a Stay At Home Mommy and today is the first day that we are home, just the two of us. Mikey has gone back to work and we are doing good. I thought I would finally get around to blogging about her getting here and a brief run down of the last 5 weeks...

August 20th we went in for inducement...complications started soon and after that I knew that my "plan" was out the window...cluster contractions make a gal consider and then give in to getting an epidural. The little angel didn't progress in a usual manner and she was not tolerating the cluster contractions very well and so we had to do a c-section around lunch on August 21...not my favorite part of the story by any means but she made it here safe and healthy and good and that's all that counts.

Two days later, we came home from the hospital amazed that we had a tiny little baby to care for. We've been amazed ever since. :-)

(this is my oldest niece Brooke holding her with her little sister Lauren sitting next to her...she was excited to get to pet her new cousin...hehe)

Things were going well, or so we thought. My milk didn't come in like I had hoped and Ruby-Jean wasn't putting on weight like the doctor wanted. When she was 18 days old, the doctor admitted us to the hospital for her being dehydrated and failure to thrive...words a new mother never wants to hear. We were only there overnight and poor little thing had an IV with fluids.

That was the boost she needed to get back on the right track. We've been supplementing her milk supply and she is growing by leaps and bounds.

She was born 6lbs. 5oz...she got down to 5lbs. 8oz but is now up to right at the 8lb mark. She is getting soooo big! Still in newborn diapers and clothes that is still baggy on her and everyone "oohs" & "ahhs" and says "look how tiny!". But we know the truth...she's HUGE!

We are still working with herbs and such to try to get my milk in it's fullest sense but will supplement for as long as we need in our own hippie nature. We love visitors and can't wait to show her off to all our friends and family.

Hugs and kisses to all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Bryan, TX

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Last Post before Delivery

Well here we go...we have a plan...I was trying to avoid inducement but evidently it's something I can't seem to might as well embrace it right? Not freak out bout it at all...LOL

Just with a wide variety of issues...age, blood pressure slowly going up in the past few weeks, no progression with dilation or effacement over the past 3 weeks...everything seems fine with Ruby-Jean...she's measuring fine and her heart rate is great and she's still moving around just great and all...grr arr...alien belly! She's been a delight to be pregnant with. I haven't been miserable, I've had relatively no swelling, I avoid the heat like the plague and I don't overdo it. It's been such a wonderful and awesome pregnancy. Yes, I've had a few pains here and there...there was the time around my Bryan shower where I may have overdid it cleaning the house and she then parked on sciatic nerve to remind me to sit my happy but down more and it hurts like Hell to get up in the middle of the night to go pee cos either my hip is stuck in pain or she's squishing my full bladder so much that I don't know how to walk...but those are my only complaints. Oh and I waddle slowly...but I don't hate that. I don't know if I've been blinded by wanting to be pregnant for so long or if this truly has been such an easy pregnancy...Either's been awesome. I'm not quite ready for it to end but I want her here...healthy and good.

So here we go...We are planned to go into the hospital Saturday night and do a cytotec assisted induction. Do the cytotec Saturday night to help get my cervix all softened and ready to go for labor. Then Sunday morning we will actually do the actual induction. So by Monday morning at the latest, she'll make her entrance into the world. And then there will be 3 of us. We'll see how well the other children accept her...I already have child gates...people ask me why...I say to keep the dogs away from don't expect her to come out crawling or even scooting...but I want to keep the hellions at bay so she can have some time playing on the floor at some point without licks and noses in her face. :)

OK...and since my last day of work is tomorrow I went ahead and took my last belly shot here at the mirror in the bathroom at work...last one in this dress that I've been taking them mostly in the last few months...last one before she can star in her is the progression since mid June of the Ruby-Jean bump.

Guess that's it for today's post...Next one should have a new adorable face to add to things. :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby Shower #1 in Seguin

Well we had the first baby shower this past weekend and I survived it quite well...with minimal crying face...but that was expected...I am hormonal after all. :)

We had a really great time and I'm very glad that so many people turned out for it. Little Ruby-Jean got tons of awesome outfits and some great loot. She has no idea how loved she already is...even though I tell her multiple times a day. :)

Here are a few pics mom took at the shower on her new phone...

Let there be CAKE!

Me and a few friends from high school

All of RJC's loot!

Quilt Mom made for RJC

Blanket cousin Tabi made for RJC

Me and Miss Noella...cos at least Nikky knew that BYOB for a Baby shower meant to bring a

And now a few from today since I was instructed to post more pictures...

Here is a side view from today (June 22, 2011) in the dress I wore to the shower...

And cos I can...Here is what happens when Mommy goes to the potty on a
Bring Your Sookie To Work

I think that's it for today. Maybe I'll try to do a side view every Wednesday for an update...may even try to do a video if I can catch her rolling and kicking...she gets camera shy every time I get the video going...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Start of 3rd Trimester

Well, we are finally to the start of the third trimester. This has actually moved along rather fast and yet not fast Things have been going really rather smoothly. We had a little issue where the doctor was concerned about a tiny bright spot on her heart in an ultrasound but after further checking and secondary ultrasound...she's as perfect as she can be. Plus we got a beautiful 3D shot of her little face. :) Can't argue with that...

People keep asking for shots of my belly...I know I'm showing but I just feel a bit fatter...but here you go anyways...

Here are some Happy Feet...

And one of her bout to suck her thumb...she was too cute on that day...

Guess that's it for now... :)

Momma and RJC signing off for now...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

CD90 - Well looky there...

Well, I've been chomping at the bit to do this blog for...I don't know...7 weeks now...but I've held off and held off...mostly we wanted to make sure we got through the 1st trimester, then Mike got sick and then I got sick and then we had the horrible week last week where I had to put down my baby Flash...had him since he was just a wee little thing...but I digress...

We are PREGNANT! Just bout to 13 weeks...Wednesday is our Happy Bun-Bun (Chinese year of the bunny and all) days...that's when we turn a week older. We are still too early on to know what we got working in there but we have our individual suspicions. Here is a pic in case you wanna see...or can even make out the little alien in there...
But YAY! I can finally announce it to the world since we feel reasonably safe at this point. Who knows what life will throw our way...but we are happy and excited and nauseous and hormonal and moody and all that good stuff.

Here is the first good pic we got of the little Bun-Bun taken back right around week 11...
I seem to like this shot best cos it's front on and it's are set to be due towards the end of yay for the horrible hot summer that I'm about to think is pure Hell...but I'll enjoy every moment I think...I

So there we go...finally can include all the FaceBook friends and family into the circle that know. I'm sure it'll make all my crazy status updates make more sense now. :) Have an awesome day!