Thursday, July 8, 2010

CD14 - got reason for twinges

OK...So we were at the Dr this morning. I forgot my blanket and footies...not's cold in there in the mornings and the paper drapes don't do crap. ugh. It was determined it wasn't that big of a deal so I didn't stop and get another one on the way there. So things are good and progressing well. He couldn't really locate the Ethel...she's super shy this month and since it's her month wasn't worth the pain it was causing me to find it. Lucy has been plenty busy. She's got 3 follicles although one is small and doesn't truly count. The others are right around 20mm each. One was 19.5 and the other was 20.4 or something like that. He said it's looking like they are getting ready to ovulate soon...there was some free fluid that was indicating that. So far I'm not supposed to do a trigger shot. He doesn't want to mess with what my body is doing currently. I wish he'd keep a steady rule on all this. Some months he's like the shot is the only way to be it's all...don't want to mess with what's going on here...ugh...We'll see what tomorrow brings.

My ovulation tests this morning were definitely stronger and that's a good sign. Things are progressing faster in the cycle...thanks to supposedly the Metformin uppage. I'm sure it's helping...just wasn't sure it would take effect so quick...who knows. We go in tomorrow morning for the IUI...#6 of pressure...we may have another option for next month...if my Insulin levels are low's on to IVF...5-10K a shot...not in our pressure...none at all...I don't know where I get the stress from...ugh...OK...time to focus on something else...distractions...where oh where are you? hehehe

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