Monday, July 5, 2010

CD11 - Trying to dig outta a funk

I've just been in a funk. I'm blaming the Femara...think I have just cause...I've been tired, I've been cranky, I'm been short, I've been hot and then I've been cold and I've had headaches...this weekend was bad on the hot flashes...really weren't was just hot. We had a couple of friends over Saturday and I had the house set at 75...Me and Azure were playing some video games...absolutely not strenuous...sitting pushing's freezing and has a blanket...I'm all sticky and sweaty...that continued for me thru-out the entire night. I have to note that that morning and previous evening, I had to turn the air up and wear socks and have a blanket on me too cos I was too cold.

Yesterday I ended up having to take an Imitrex induced nap to get rid of a headache/migraine that wasn't budging even with I slept from like 3-7. Woke up feeling much better. Wasn't able to fall asleep till 1:30 or so and even then it was fit-full and crappy cos I was either burning up or freezing. I really hope this means something is working better this month.

I'm back up to 2000mg of Metformin and I'm sort of OK with that. No major issues currently...that can always change I've learned. Have a Dr Appt to check on follicles on Thursday morning. A little early but he says with the higher dose of metformin my cycle may be more on track with average and well he's not working this'll start ovulation testing in the morning I guess.

I really appreciate Mike putting up with me mostly this weekend but some of last week too. I've been a grumpy grumpy tired monster. Sadly...there is nothing I can do to get out of it...even when I try sincerely, it comes across mean and insensitive. So I quit trying...but today so far not hot or cold really today...I'm thinking that the Femara may be getting out of my system and my moods can improve on their own.

Going back to no coffee starting tomorrow (I simply couldn't function without it this morning after NO sleep practically). Hopefully stress is gone from work for a while. I think I am finally done with this one huge moron...only time will tell. Guess I have till Thursday or Friday to see if they appeal the decision. Until then, my biggest plan is shredding my huge stack of stuff that I just need to shred...will start this afternoon. I have to get some reading Book five of the Sookie series and I get so enthralled in's a great diversion for me. Got more buttons on my quilt have a 4 way axis for stabilization and now I just have to fill in the 4 quadrants. I picked up some red paisley binding strips which I'm excited about. I know...I'm an odd one. It's gonna be a very country/folky quilt that you will never be able to sit on...only cover up with...and I will beat the dog that chews up buttons if he touches it. :)

Guess that's enough of an update...will see how the week goes...Wish me luck!

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