Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Irritated...please read and understand me well

OK...it's come to my attention...I know I put too much out there sometimes...too many little random tidbits bout what's going on in my life. Sometimes I might be a little vague because I don't want to bore everyone with the details...

...If you have a question or concern about how I am doing, please just ask me directly. Don't go asking anyone else...who else knows what I'm feeling or thinking better than ME? I appreciate the concern...and I appreciate the interest...it let's me know you people care out there...but don't botheranyone else trying to see if "Audrey is alright?" or "Is everything is OK with Audrey?" I'm Audrey and I know if I'm OK or not and I'm happy to explain anything that you may have questions about. Talking and writing are my healing process.

Life is a crazy ride for me lately. I'm hoping it gets back on a good track soon. I think I'm on the right path. Yes, I get headaches randomly...hormones have been introduced into my body that have really never been there before the beginning of last year. I'm doing my damnedest to get used to em and my body is fighting me on that.

Mike and I are great. There are NO problems between us.

It's part of MY process to vent into the atmosphere bout myself...venting is part of a process that helps me to figure things out and to heal.

I'm just by nature an open person. I tell you what's on my mind. If I'm down, I say so...if I'm up...I say so. If someone asks me if I'm OK, I tell the freaking truth. I don't sugarcoat stuff. (Sugar is baaaaad...mmmKay?) This blog is set up so I have a place to vent. Therefore...I vent. Facebook and twitter updates have a limited space...so I vent, but I can only say so much. If it causes you to question my sanity or my well-being, send me a message or a text or I don't know...call me. :)


  1. I just asked Mike today how you were doing. Just a habit I guess. I don't think to ask until I have a reminder (i.e. seeing Mike and discussing times to hang out). Then when I am reminded, I go ahead and ask since a.) its convenient (for me, at least... a bit selfish I guess), and. b) if I don't I'll usually forget to ask (anyone) at a later time.

    I do not *specifically* ask people about other people to avoid the original person of topic. This is something I noticed on a road trip with another friend of mine. I spent quite some time asking how various people I hadn't seen in a while were doing. Not that I don't talk to those people, I just had someone right there in front of me I could ask and with whom I was already in conversation.

    Sometimes, that's all it is: casual conversation in passing, with which I'm still not completely comfortable or competent. Essentially, "How's life, how's the weather, how's the wife, nice sweater." :-P

    So, from my end, no offense/irritation or waste of time meant for you or Mike (respectively).


    So, how's Flash? ~_^

  2. Brian, this wasn't directed at you. It's bout questions in general. I just get get annoyed when people act concerned thru a 3rd party. Not always Mike...mostly through other people. I know people like you ask a general question out of habit and nice-ity...and I don't see a problem with that. It's just when I post repeatedly bout headaches or big girl panties and then I get 3rd party check ins...I'm the best person to answer those type questions...I guess I let me anger and annoyance get in the way of the point here. Actually debating on deleting it.

    And Flash is old and crotchety...and if you asked him directly, he'd just sneeze or fart on ya. lol

  3. I don't think you need to delete the post, especially after your reply comment. Any misconception or confusion caused by the initial post (which shouldn't be much) is cleared up by the comment, as far as I'm concerned. Plus, it gets point across. :)
