Monday, September 26, 2011

5 weeks out

Well here we are...5 weeks past our little angel's arrival and we are doing great. I am now officially a Stay At Home Mommy and today is the first day that we are home, just the two of us. Mikey has gone back to work and we are doing good. I thought I would finally get around to blogging about her getting here and a brief run down of the last 5 weeks...

August 20th we went in for inducement...complications started soon and after that I knew that my "plan" was out the window...cluster contractions make a gal consider and then give in to getting an epidural. The little angel didn't progress in a usual manner and she was not tolerating the cluster contractions very well and so we had to do a c-section around lunch on August 21...not my favorite part of the story by any means but she made it here safe and healthy and good and that's all that counts.

Two days later, we came home from the hospital amazed that we had a tiny little baby to care for. We've been amazed ever since. :-)

(this is my oldest niece Brooke holding her with her little sister Lauren sitting next to her...she was excited to get to pet her new cousin...hehe)

Things were going well, or so we thought. My milk didn't come in like I had hoped and Ruby-Jean wasn't putting on weight like the doctor wanted. When she was 18 days old, the doctor admitted us to the hospital for her being dehydrated and failure to thrive...words a new mother never wants to hear. We were only there overnight and poor little thing had an IV with fluids.

That was the boost she needed to get back on the right track. We've been supplementing her milk supply and she is growing by leaps and bounds.

She was born 6lbs. 5oz...she got down to 5lbs. 8oz but is now up to right at the 8lb mark. She is getting soooo big! Still in newborn diapers and clothes that is still baggy on her and everyone "oohs" & "ahhs" and says "look how tiny!". But we know the truth...she's HUGE!

We are still working with herbs and such to try to get my milk in it's fullest sense but will supplement for as long as we need in our own hippie nature. We love visitors and can't wait to show her off to all our friends and family.

Hugs and kisses to all!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Bryan, TX