Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Start of 3rd Trimester

Well, we are finally to the start of the third trimester. This has actually moved along rather fast and yet not fast Things have been going really rather smoothly. We had a little issue where the doctor was concerned about a tiny bright spot on her heart in an ultrasound but after further checking and secondary ultrasound...she's as perfect as she can be. Plus we got a beautiful 3D shot of her little face. :) Can't argue with that...

People keep asking for shots of my belly...I know I'm showing but I just feel a bit fatter...but here you go anyways...

Here are some Happy Feet...

And one of her bout to suck her thumb...she was too cute on that day...

Guess that's it for now... :)

Momma and RJC signing off for now...