Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby Shower #1 in Seguin

Well we had the first baby shower this past weekend and I survived it quite well...with minimal crying face...but that was expected...I am hormonal after all. :)

We had a really great time and I'm very glad that so many people turned out for it. Little Ruby-Jean got tons of awesome outfits and some great loot. She has no idea how loved she already is...even though I tell her multiple times a day. :)

Here are a few pics mom took at the shower on her new phone...

Let there be CAKE!

Me and a few friends from high school

All of RJC's loot!

Quilt Mom made for RJC

Blanket cousin Tabi made for RJC

Me and Miss Noella...cos at least Nikky knew that BYOB for a Baby shower meant to bring a

And now a few from today since I was instructed to post more pictures...

Here is a side view from today (June 22, 2011) in the dress I wore to the shower...

And cos I can...Here is what happens when Mommy goes to the potty on a
Bring Your Sookie To Work

I think that's it for today. Maybe I'll try to do a side view every Wednesday for an update...may even try to do a video if I can catch her rolling and kicking...she gets camera shy every time I get the video going...

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